Source code for maltpynt.fake

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to simulate data and produce a fake event file."""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as ra
import os
import logging
import warnings
from .io import get_file_format, load_lcurve
from .base import _empty, _assign_value_if_none
from .lcurve import lcurve_from_fits
    from numba import jit
[docs] def jit(fun): """Dummy decorator in case jit cannot be imported.""" return fun
[docs]def fake_events_from_lc( times, lc, use_spline=False, bin_time=None): """Create events from a light curve. Parameters ---------- times : array-like the center time of each light curve bin lc : array-like light curve, in units of counts/bin Returns ------- event_list : array-like Simulated arrival times """ try: import scipy.interpolate as sci except: if use_spline: warnings.warn("Scipy not available. ", "use_spline option cannot be used.") use_spline = False bin_time = _assign_value_if_none(bin_time, times[1] - times[0]) n_bin = len(lc) bin_start = 0 maxlc = np.max(lc) intlc = maxlc * n_bin n_events_predict = int(intlc + 10 * np.sqrt(intlc)) # Max number of events per chunk must be < 100000 events_per_bin_predict = n_events_predict / n_bin if use_spline: max_bin = np.max([4, 1000000 / events_per_bin_predict]) logging.debug("Using splines") else: max_bin = np.max([4, 5000000 / events_per_bin_predict]) ev_list = np.zeros(n_events_predict) nev = 0 while bin_start < n_bin: t0 = times[bin_start] bin_stop = min([bin_start + max_bin, n_bin + 1]) lc_filt = lc[bin_start:bin_stop] t_filt = times[bin_start:bin_stop] logging.debug("{} {}".format(t_filt[0] - bin_time / 2, t_filt[-1] + bin_time / 2)) length = t_filt[-1] - t_filt[0] n_bin_filt = len(lc_filt) n_to_simulate = n_bin_filt * max(lc_filt) safety_factor = 10 if n_to_simulate > 10000: safety_factor = 4. n_to_simulate += safety_factor * np.sqrt(n_to_simulate) n_to_simulate = int(np.ceil(n_to_simulate)) n_predict = ra.poisson(np.sum(lc_filt)) random_ts = ra.uniform(t_filt[0] - bin_time / 2, t_filt[-1] + bin_time / 2, n_to_simulate) logging.debug(random_ts[random_ts < 0]) random_amps = ra.uniform(0, max(lc_filt), n_to_simulate) if use_spline: # print("Creating spline representation") lc_spl = sci.splrep(t_filt, lc_filt, s=np.longdouble(0), k=1) pts = sci.splev(random_ts, lc_spl) else: rough_bins = np.rint((random_ts - t0) / bin_time) rough_bins = rough_bins.astype(int) pts = lc_filt[rough_bins] good = random_amps < pts len1 = len(random_ts) random_ts = random_ts[good] len2 = len(random_ts) logging.debug("Max LC, nbin: {0} {1}".format(max(lc_filt), n_bin_filt)) logging.debug("{0} Events generated".format(len1)) logging.debug("{0} Events predicted".format(n_predict)) logging.debug("{0} Events rejected".format(len1 - len2)) random_ts = random_ts[:n_predict] random_ts.sort() new_nev = len(random_ts) ev_list[nev:nev + new_nev] = random_ts[:] nev += new_nev logging.debug( "{0} good events created ({1} ev/s)".format(new_nev, new_nev / length)) bin_start += max_bin # Discard all zero entries at the end! ev_list = ev_list[:nev] ev_list.sort() return ev_list
def _paralyzable_dead_time(event_list, dead_time): mask = np.ones(len(event_list), dtype=bool) dead_time_end = event_list + dead_time bad = dead_time_end[:-1] > event_list[1:] # Easy: paralyzable case. Here, events coming during dead time produce # more dead time. So... mask[1:][bad] = False return event_list[mask], mask @jit def _nonpar_core(event_list, dead_time_end, mask): for i in range(1, len(event_list)): if (event_list[i] < dead_time_end[i - 1]): dead_time_end[i] = dead_time_end[i - 1] mask[i] = False return mask def _non_paralyzable_dead_time(event_list, dead_time): dead_time_end = event_list + dead_time mask = np.ones(len(event_list), dtype=bool) mask = _nonpar_core(event_list, dead_time_end, mask) return event_list[mask], mask
[docs]def filter_for_deadtime(ev_list, deadtime, bkg_ev_list=None, dt_sigma=None, paralyzable=False, additional_data=None, return_all=False): """Filter an event list for a given dead time. Parameters ---------- ev_list : array-like The event list deadtime: float The (mean, if not constant) value of deadtime Returns ------- new_ev_list : array-like The filtered event list additional_output : dict Object with all the following attributes. Only returned if `return_all` is True uf_events : array-like Unfiltered event list (events + background) is_event : array-like Boolean values; True if event, False if background deadtime : array-like Dead time values bkg : array-like The filtered background event list mask : array-like, optional The mask that filters the input event list and produces the output event list. Other Parameters ---------------- bkg_ev_list : array-like A background event list that affects dead time dt_sigma : float The standard deviation of a non-constant dead time around deadtime. return_all : bool If True, return the mask that filters the input event list to obtain the output event list. """ additional_output = _empty() if deadtime <= 0.: return np.copy(ev_list) # Create the total lightcurve, and a "kind" array that keeps track # of the events classified as "signal" (True) and "background" (False) if bkg_ev_list is not None: tot_ev_list = np.append(ev_list, bkg_ev_list) ev_kind = np.append(np.ones(len(ev_list), dtype=bool), np.zeros(len(bkg_ev_list), dtype=bool)) order = np.argsort(tot_ev_list) tot_ev_list = tot_ev_list[order] ev_kind = ev_kind[order] del order else: tot_ev_list = ev_list ev_kind = np.ones(len(ev_list), dtype=bool) nevents = len(tot_ev_list) all_ev_kind = ev_kind.copy() if dt_sigma is not None: deadtime_values = ra.normal(deadtime, dt_sigma, nevents) else: deadtime_values = np.zeros(nevents) + deadtime initial_len = len(tot_ev_list) if paralyzable: tot_ev_list, saved_mask = \ _paralyzable_dead_time(tot_ev_list, deadtime_values) else: tot_ev_list, saved_mask = \ _non_paralyzable_dead_time(tot_ev_list, deadtime_values) ev_kind = ev_kind[saved_mask] deadtime_values = deadtime_values[saved_mask] final_len = len(tot_ev_list) 'filter_for_deadtime: ' '{0}/{1} events rejected'.format(initial_len - final_len, initial_len)) retval = tot_ev_list[ev_kind] if return_all: additional_output.uf_events = tot_ev_list additional_output.is_event = ev_kind additional_output.deadtime = deadtime_values additional_output.mask = saved_mask[all_ev_kind] additional_output.bkg = tot_ev_list[np.logical_not(ev_kind)] retval = [retval, additional_output] return retval
[docs]def generate_fake_fits_observation(event_list=None, filename=None, pi=None, instr='FPMA', gti=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, mjdref=55197.00076601852, livetime=None, additional_columns={}): """Generate fake NuSTAR data. Takes an event list (as a list of floats) All inputs are None by default, and can be set during the call. Parameters ---------- event_list : list-like List of event arrival times, in seconds from mjdref. If left None, 1000 random events will be generated, for a total length of 1025 s or the difference between tstop and tstart. filename : str Output file name Returns ------- hdulist : FITS hdu list FITS hdu list of the output file Other Parameters ---------------- mjdref : float Reference MJD. Default is 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR) pi : list-like The PI channel of each event tstart : float Start of the observation (s from mjdref) tstop : float End of the observation (s from mjdref) instr : str Name of the instrument. Default is 'FPMA' livetime : float Total livetime. Default is tstop - tstart """ from import fits import numpy.random as ra if event_list is None: tstart = _assign_value_if_none(tstart, 8e+7) tstop = _assign_value_if_none(tstop, tstart + 1025) event_list = sorted(ra.uniform(tstart, tstop, 1000)) pi = _assign_value_if_none(pi, ra.randint(0, 1024, len(event_list))) assert len(event_list) == len(pi), \ "Event list and pi must be of the same length" tstart = _assign_value_if_none(tstart, np.floor(event_list[0])) tstop = _assign_value_if_none(tstop, np.ceil(event_list[-1])) gti = _assign_value_if_none(gti, np.array([[tstart, tstop]])) filename = _assign_value_if_none(filename, 'events.evt') livetime = _assign_value_if_none(livetime, tstop - tstart) assert livetime <= tstop - tstart, \ 'Livetime must be equal or smaller than tstop - tstart' # Create primary header prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr['OBSERVER'] = 'Edwige Bubble' prihdr['TELESCOP'] = ('NuSTAR ', 'Telescope (mission) name') prihdr['INSTRUME'] = ('FPMA ', 'Instrument name') prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) # Write events to table col1 = fits.Column(name='TIME', format='1D', array=event_list) col2 = fits.Column(name='PI', format='1J', array=pi) allcols = [col1, col2] for c in additional_columns.keys(): col = fits.Column(name=c, array=additional_columns[c]["data"], format=additional_columns[c]["format"]) allcols.append(col) cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols) tbhdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'EVENTS' # ---- Fake lots of information ---- tbheader = tbhdu.header tbheader['OBSERVER'] = 'Edwige Bubble' tbheader['COMMENT'] = ("FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is" " defined in 'Astronomy and Astrophysics', volume" " 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H") tbheader['TELESCOP'] = ('NuSTAR ', 'Telescope (mission) name') tbheader['INSTRUME'] = (instr, 'Instrument name') tbheader['OBS_ID'] = ('00000000001', 'Observation ID') tbheader['TARG_ID'] = (0, 'Target ID') tbheader['OBJECT'] = ('Fake X-1', 'Name of observed object') tbheader['RA_OBJ'] = (0.0, '[deg] R.A. Object') tbheader['DEC_OBJ'] = (0.0, '[deg] Dec Object') tbheader['RA_NOM'] = (0.0, 'Right Ascension used for barycenter corrections') tbheader['DEC_NOM'] = (0.0, 'Declination used for barycenter corrections') tbheader['RA_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] RA pointing') tbheader['DEC_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] Dec pointing') tbheader['PA_PNT'] = (0.0, '[deg] Position angle (roll)') tbheader['EQUINOX'] = (2.000E+03, 'Equinox of celestial coord system') tbheader['RADECSYS'] = ('FK5', 'Coordinate Reference System') tbheader['TASSIGN'] = ('SATELLITE', 'Time assigned by onboard clock') tbheader['TIMESYS'] = ('TDB', 'All times in this file are TDB') tbheader['MJDREFI'] = (int(mjdref), 'TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (int)') tbheader['MJDREFF'] = (mjdref - int(mjdref), 'TDB time reference; Modified Julian Day (frac)') tbheader['TIMEREF'] = ('SOLARSYSTEM', 'Times are pathlength-corrected to barycenter') tbheader['CLOCKAPP'] = (False, 'TRUE if timestamps corrected by gnd sware') tbheader['COMMENT'] = ("MJDREFI+MJDREFF = epoch of Jan 1, 2010, in TT " "time system.") tbheader['TIMEUNIT'] = ('s', 'unit for time keywords') tbheader['TSTART'] = (tstart, 'Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at start of file') tbheader['TSTOP'] = (tstop, 'Elapsed seconds since MJDREF at end of file') tbheader['LIVETIME'] = (livetime, 'On-source time') tbheader['TIMEZERO'] = (0.000000E+00, 'Time Zero') tbheader['COMMENT'] = ( "Generated with MaLTPyNT by {0}".format(os.getenv('USER'))) # ---- END Fake lots of information ---- # Fake GTIs start = gti[:, 0] stop = gti[:, 1] col1 = fits.Column(name='START', format='1D', array=start) col2 = fits.Column(name='STOP', format='1D', array=stop) allcols = [col1, col2] cols = fits.ColDefs(allcols) gtihdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) = 'GTI' thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tbhdu, gtihdu]) thdulist.writeto(filename, clobber=True) return thdulist
def _read_event_list(filename): if filename is not None: warnings.warn('Input event lists not yet implemented') return None, None def _read_light_curve(filename): file_format = get_file_format(filename) if file_format == 'fits': filename = lcurve_from_fits(filename)[0] contents = load_lcurve(filename) return contents['time'], contents['lc']
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPfake` command line script.""" import argparse description = ( 'Create an event file in FITS format from an event list, or simulating' ' it. If input event list is not specified, generates the events ' 'randomly') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("-e", "--event-list", type=str, default=None, help="File containint event list") parser.add_argument("-l", "--lc", type=str, default=None, help="File containing light curve") parser.add_argument("-c", "--ctrate", type=float, default=None, help="Count rate for simulated events") parser.add_argument("-o", "--outname", type=str, default='events.evt', help="Output file name") parser.add_argument("-i", "--instrument", type=str, default='FPMA', help="Instrument name") parser.add_argument("--tstart", type=float, default=None, help="Start time of the observation (s from MJDREF)") parser.add_argument("--tstop", type=float, default=None, help="End time of the observation (s from MJDREF)") parser.add_argument("--mjdref", type=float, default=55197.00076601852, help="Reference MJD") parser.add_argument("--deadtime", type=float, default=None, nargs='+', help="Dead time magnitude. Can be specified as a " "single number, or two. In this last case, the " "second value is used as sigma of the dead time " "distribution") parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MPfake.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') additional_columns = {} livetime = None if is not None: t, lc = _read_light_curve( event_list = fake_events_from_lc(t, lc, use_spline=True) pi = np.zeros(len(event_list), dtype=int) print('{} events generated'.format(len(event_list))) elif args.ctrate is not None: tstart = _assign_value_if_none(args.tstart, 0) tstop = _assign_value_if_none(args.tstop, 1025) t = np.arange(tstart, tstop) lc = args.ctrate + np.zeros_like(t) event_list = fake_events_from_lc(t, lc) pi = np.zeros(len(event_list), dtype=int) print('{} events generated'.format(len(event_list))) else: event_list, pi = _read_event_list(args.event_list) if args.deadtime is not None and event_list is not None: deadtime = args.deadtime[0] deadtime_sigma = None if len(args.deadtime) > 1: deadtime_sigma = args.deadtime[1] print(deadtime, deadtime_sigma) event_list, info = filter_for_deadtime(event_list, deadtime, dt_sigma=deadtime_sigma, return_all=True) print('{} events after filter'.format(len(event_list))) pi = pi[info.mask] prior = np.zeros_like(event_list) prior[1:] = np.diff(event_list) - info.deadtime[:-1] additional_columns["PRIOR"] = {"data": prior, "format": "D"} additional_columns["KIND"] = {"data": info.is_event, "format": "L"} livetime = np.sum(prior) generate_fake_fits_observation(event_list=event_list, filename=args.outname, pi=pi, instr='FPMA', tstart=args.tstart, tstop=args.tstop, mjdref=args.mjdref, livetime=livetime, additional_columns=additional_columns)