Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to perform input/output operations."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import logging
import warnings
    import netCDF4 as nc
    msg = "Warning! NetCDF is not available. Using pickle format."

    # Python 3
    import pickle
    # Python 2
    import cPickle as pickle

import collections
import numpy as np
import os.path
from .base import _order_list_of_arrays, _empty, is_string
from .base import _assign_value_if_none

cpl128 = np.dtype([(str('real'), np.double),
                   (str('imag'), np.double)])

def _get_key(dict_like, key):
        return dict_like[key]
        return ""

[docs]def high_precision_keyword_read(hdr, keyword): """Read FITS header keywords, also if split in two. In the case where the keyword is split in two, like MJDREF = MJDREFI + MJDREFF in some missions, this function returns the summed value. Otherwise, the content of the single keyword Parameters ---------- hdr : dict_like The header structure, or a dictionary keyword : str The key to read in the header Returns ------- value : long double The value of the key """ try: value = np.longdouble(hdr[keyword]) return value except: pass try: if len(keyword) == 8: keyword = keyword[:7] value = np.longdouble(hdr[keyword + 'I']) value += np.longdouble(hdr[keyword + 'F']) return value except: return None
[docs]def get_file_extension(fname): """Get the file extension.""" return os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
[docs]def get_file_format(fname): """Decide the file format of the file.""" ext = get_file_extension(fname) if ext == '.p': return 'pickle' elif ext == '.nc': return 'nc' elif ext in ['.evt', '.fits']: return 'fits' else: raise Exception("File format not recognized") # ---- Base function to save NetCDF4 files
[docs]def save_as_netcdf(vars, varnames, formats, fname): """Save variables in a NetCDF4 file.""" rootgrp = nc.Dataset(fname, 'w', format='NETCDF4') for iv, v in enumerate(vars): dims = {} dimname = varnames[iv]+"dim" dimspec = (varnames[iv]+"dim", ) if formats[iv] == 'c16': # unicode_literals breaks something, I need to specify str. if 'cpl128' not in rootgrp.cmptypes.keys(): complex128_t = rootgrp.createCompoundType(cpl128, 'cpl128') vcomp = np.empty(v.shape, dtype=cpl128) vcomp['real'] = v.real vcomp['imag'] = v.imag v = vcomp formats[iv] = complex128_t if isinstance(v, collections.Iterable) and formats[iv] != str: dim = len(v) dims[dimname] = dim if isinstance(v[0], collections.Iterable): dim = len(v[0]) dims[dimname + '_2'] = dim dimspec = (dimname, dimname + '_2') else: dims[dimname] = 1 dim = 1 for dimname in dims.keys(): rootgrp.createDimension(dimname, dims[dimname]) vnc = rootgrp.createVariable(varnames[iv], formats[iv], dimspec) try: if formats[iv] == str: vnc[0] = v else: vnc[:] = v except: print("Error:", varnames[iv], formats[iv], dimspec, v) raise rootgrp.close()
[docs]def read_from_netcdf(fname): """Read from a netCDF4 file.""" rootgrp = nc.Dataset(fname) out = {} for k in rootgrp.variables.keys(): dum = rootgrp.variables[k] values = dum.__array__() # Handle special case of complex if dum.dtype == cpl128: arr = np.empty(values.shape, dtype=np.complex128) arr.real = values[str('real')] arr.imag = values[str('imag')] values = arr if dum.dtype == str or dum.size == 1: to_save = values[0] else: to_save = values out[k] = to_save rootgrp.close() return out # ----- Functions to handle file types
[docs]def get_file_type(fname, specify_reb=True): """Return the file type and its contents. Only works for maltpynt-format pickle or netcdf files. """ contents = load_data(fname) keys = list(contents.keys()) for i in 'lccorr,lc,cpds,pds,lag'.split(','): if i in keys and 'fhi' in keys and specify_reb: ftype = 'reb' + i break elif i in keys: ftype = i break else: # If none of the above if 'time' in keys: ftype = 'events' elif 'GTI' in keys: ftype = 'GTI' return ftype, contents # ----- functions to save and load EVENT data
[docs]def save_events(eventStruct, fname): """Save events in a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': _save_data_pickle(eventStruct, fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': _save_data_nc(eventStruct, fname)
[docs]def load_events(fname): """Load events from a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _load_data_pickle(fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _load_data_nc(fname) # ----- functions to save and load LCURVE data
[docs]def save_lcurve(lcurveStruct, fname): """Save light curve in a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _save_data_pickle(lcurveStruct, fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _save_data_nc(lcurveStruct, fname)
[docs]def load_lcurve(fname): """Load light curve from a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _load_data_pickle(fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _load_data_nc(fname) # ---- Functions to save PDSs
[docs]def save_pds(pdsStruct, fname): """Save PDS in a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _save_data_pickle(pdsStruct, fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _save_data_nc(pdsStruct, fname)
[docs]def load_pds(fname): """Load PDS from a file.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _load_data_pickle(fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _load_data_nc(fname) # ---- GENERIC function to save stuff.
def _load_data_pickle(fname, kind="data"): """Load generic data in pickle format."""'Loading %s and info from %s' % (kind, fname)) try: with open(fname, 'rb') as fobj: result = pickle.load(fobj) return result except Exception as e: raise Exception("{0} failed ({1}: {2})".format('_load_data_pickle', type(e), e)) def _save_data_pickle(struct, fname, kind="data"): """Save generic data in pickle format."""'Saving %s and info to %s' % (kind, fname)) try: with open(fname, 'wb') as fobj: pickle.dump(struct, fobj) except Exception as e: raise Exception("{0} failed ({1}: {2})".format('_save_data_pickle', type(e), e)) return def _load_data_nc(fname): """Load generic data in netcdf format.""" contents = read_from_netcdf(fname) keys = list(contents.keys()) keys_to_delete = [] for k in keys: if k in keys_to_delete: continue if k[-2:] in ['_I', '_L', '_F', '_k']: kcorr = k[:-2] integer_key = kcorr + '_I' float_key = kcorr + '_F' kind_key = kcorr + '_k' log10_key = kcorr + '_L' if not (integer_key in keys and float_key in keys): continue # Maintain compatibility with old-style files: if not (kind_key in keys and log10_key in keys): contents[kind_key] = "longdouble" contents[log10_key] = 0 keys_to_delete.extend([integer_key, float_key]) keys_to_delete.extend([kind_key, log10_key]) if contents[kind_key] == 'longdouble': dtype = np.longdouble elif contents[kind_key] == 'double': dtype = np.double else: raise ValueError(contents[kind_key] + ": unrecognized kind string") log10_part = contents[log10_key] if isinstance(contents[integer_key], collections.Iterable): integer_part = np.array(contents[integer_key], dtype=dtype) float_part = np.array(contents[float_key], dtype=dtype) else: integer_part = dtype(contents[integer_key]) float_part = dtype(contents[float_key]) contents[kcorr] = (integer_part + float_part) * 10 ** log10_part for k in keys_to_delete: del contents[k] return contents def _split_high_precision_number(varname, var, probesize): var_log10 = 0 if probesize == 8: kind_str = 'double' if probesize == 16: kind_str = 'longdouble' if isinstance(var, collections.Iterable): dum = np.min(np.abs(var)) if dum < 1 and dum > 0.: var_log10 = np.floor(np.log10(dum)) var /= 10 ** var_log10 var_I = np.floor(var).astype(np.long) var_F = np.array(var - var_I, dtype=np.double) else: if np.abs(var) < 1 and np.abs(var) > 0.: var_log10 = np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(var))) var /= 10 ** var_log10 var_I = np.long(np.floor(var)) var_F = np.double(var - var_I) return var_I, var_F, var_log10, kind_str def _save_data_nc(struct, fname, kind="data"): """Save generic data in netcdf format."""'Saving %s and info to %s' % (kind, fname)) varnames = [] values = [] formats = [] for k in struct.keys(): var = struct[k] probe = var if isinstance(var, collections.Iterable): try: probe = var[0] except: logging.error('This failed: %s %s in file %s' % (k, repr(var), fname)) raise Exception('This failed: %s %s in file %s' % (k, repr(var), fname)) if is_string(var): probekind = str probesize = -1 else: probekind = np.result_type(probe).kind probesize = np.result_type(probe).itemsize if probesize >= 8 and probekind == 'f': # If a (long)double, split it in integer + floating part. # If the number is below zero, also use a logarithm of 10 before # that, so that we don't lose precision var_I, var_F, var_log10, kind_str = \ _split_high_precision_number(k, var, probesize) values.extend([var_I, var_log10, var_F, kind_str]) formats.extend(['i8', 'i8', 'f8', str]) varnames.extend([k + '_I', k + '_L', k + '_F', k + '_k']) elif probekind == str: values.append(var) formats.append(probekind) varnames.append(k) else: values.append(var) formats.append(probekind + '%d' % probesize) varnames.append(k) save_as_netcdf(values, varnames, formats, fname)
[docs]def save_data(struct, fname, ftype='data'): """Save generic data in maltpynt format.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': _save_data_pickle(struct, fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': _save_data_nc(struct, fname)
[docs]def load_data(fname): """Load generic data in maltpynt format.""" if get_file_format(fname) == 'pickle': return _load_data_pickle(fname) elif get_file_format(fname) == 'nc': return _load_data_nc(fname) # QDP format is often used in FTOOLS
[docs]def save_as_qdp(arrays, errors=None, filename="out.qdp"): """Save arrays in a QDP file. Saves an array of variables, and possibly their errors, to a QDP file. Parameters ---------- arrays: [array1, array2] List of variables. All variables must be arrays and of the same length. errors: [array1, array2] List of errors. The order has to be the same of arrays; the value can be: - None if no error is assigned - an array of same length of variable for symmetric errors - an array of len-2 lists for non-symmetric errors (e.g. [[errm1, errp1], [errm2, errp2], [errm3, errp3], ...]) """ import numpy as np errors = _assign_value_if_none(errors, [None for i in arrays]) data_to_write = [] list_of_errs = [] for ia, ar in enumerate(arrays): data_to_write.append(ar) if errors[ia] is None: continue shape = np.shape(errors[ia]) assert shape[0] == len(ar), \ 'Errors and arrays must have same length' if len(shape) == 1: list_of_errs.append([ia, 'S']) data_to_write.append(errors[ia]) elif shape[1] == 2: list_of_errs.append([ia, 'T']) mine = [k[0] for k in errors[ia]] maxe = [k[1] for k in errors[ia]] data_to_write.append(mine) data_to_write.append(maxe) outfile = open(filename, 'w') for l in list_of_errs: i, kind = l print('READ %s' % kind + 'ERR %d' % (i + 1), file=outfile) length = len(data_to_write[0]) for i in range(length): for idw, d in enumerate(data_to_write): print(d[i], file=outfile, end=" ") print("", file=outfile) outfile.close()
[docs]def save_as_ascii(cols, filename="out.txt", colnames=None, append=False): """Save arrays as TXT file with respective errors.""" import numpy as np logging.debug('%s %s' % (repr(cols), repr(np.shape(cols)))) if append: txtfile = open(filename, "a") else: txtfile = open(filename, "w") shape = np.shape(cols) ndim = len(shape) if ndim == 1: cols = [cols] elif ndim > 3 or ndim == 0: logging.error("Only one- or two-dim arrays accepted") return -1 lcol = len(cols[0]) if colnames is not None: print("#", file=txtfile, end=' ') for i_c, c in enumerate(cols): print(colnames[i_c], file=txtfile, end=' ') print('', file=txtfile) for i in range(lcol): for c in cols: print(c[i], file=txtfile, end=' ') print('', file=txtfile) txtfile.close() return 0
def _get_gti_from_extension(lchdulist, accepted_gtistrings=['GTI']): hdunames = [ for h in lchdulist] gtiextn = [ix for ix, x in enumerate(hdunames) if x in accepted_gtistrings][0] gtiext = lchdulist[gtiextn] gtitable = colnames = [ for col in gtitable.columns.columns] # Default: NuSTAR: START, STOP. Otherwise, try RXTE: Start, Stop if 'START' in colnames: startstr, stopstr = 'START', 'STOP' else: startstr, stopstr = 'Start', 'Stop' gtistart = np.array(gtitable.field(startstr), dtype=np.longdouble) gtistop = np.array(gtitable.field(stopstr), dtype=np.longdouble) gti_list = np.array([[a, b] for a, b in zip(gtistart, gtistop)], dtype=np.longdouble) return gti_list def _get_additional_data(lctable, additional_columns): additional_data = {} if additional_columns is not None: for a in additional_columns: try: additional_data[a] = np.array(lctable.field(a)) except: # pragma: no cover if a == 'PI': logging.warning('Column PI not found. Trying with PHA') additional_data[a] = np.array(lctable.field('PHA')) else: raise Exception('Column' + a + 'not found') return additional_data
[docs]def load_gtis(fits_file, gtistring=None): """Load GTI from HDU EVENTS of file fits_file.""" from import fits as pf import numpy as np gtistring = _assign_value_if_none(gtistring, 'GTI')"Loading GTIS from file %s" % fits_file) lchdulist =, checksum=True) lchdulist.verify('warn') gtitable = lchdulist[gtistring].data gti_list = np.array([[a, b] for a, b in zip(gtitable.field('START'), gtitable.field('STOP'))], dtype=np.longdouble) lchdulist.close() return gti_list
[docs]def load_events_and_gtis(fits_file, additional_columns=None, gtistring='GTI,STDGTI', gti_file=None, hduname='EVENTS', column='TIME'): """Load event lists and GTIs from one or more files. Loads event list from HDU EVENTS of file fits_file, with Good Time intervals. Optionally, returns additional columns of data from the same HDU of the events. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str return_limits: bool, optional Return the TSTART and TSTOP keyword values additional_columns: list of str, optional A list of keys corresponding to the additional columns to extract from the event HDU (ex.: ['PI', 'X']) Returns ------- ev_list : array-like gtis: [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] additional_data: dict A dictionary, where each key is the one specified in additional_colums. The data are an array with the values of the specified column in the fits file. t_start : float t_stop : float """ from import fits as pf gtistring = _assign_value_if_none(gtistring, 'GTI,STDGTI') lchdulist = # Load data table try: lctable = lchdulist[hduname].data except: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('HDU %s not found. Trying first extension' % hduname) lctable = lchdulist[1].data # Read event list ev_list = np.array(lctable.field(column), dtype=np.longdouble) # Read TIMEZERO keyword and apply it to events try: timezero = np.longdouble(lchdulist[1].header['TIMEZERO']) except: # pragma: no cover logging.warning("No TIMEZERO in file") timezero = np.longdouble(0.) ev_list += timezero # Read TSTART, TSTOP from header try: t_start = np.longdouble(lchdulist[1].header['TSTART']) t_stop = np.longdouble(lchdulist[1].header['TSTOP']) except: # pragma: no cover logging.warning("Tstart and Tstop error. using defaults") t_start = ev_list[0] t_stop = ev_list[-1] # Read and handle GTI extension accepted_gtistrings = gtistring.split(',') if gti_file is None: # Select first GTI with accepted name try: gti_list = \ _get_gti_from_extension( lchdulist, accepted_gtistrings=accepted_gtistrings) except: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("No extensions found with a valid name. " "Please check the `accepted_gtistrings` values.") gti_list = np.array([[t_start, t_stop]], dtype=np.longdouble) else: gti_list = load_gtis(gti_file, gtistring) additional_data = _get_additional_data(lctable, additional_columns) lchdulist.close() # Sort event list order = np.argsort(ev_list) ev_list = ev_list[order] additional_data = _order_list_of_arrays(additional_data, order) returns = _empty() returns.ev_list = ev_list returns.gti_list = gti_list returns.additional_data = additional_data returns.t_start = t_start returns.t_stop = t_stop return returns
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPreadfile` command line script.""" from astropy.time import Time import astropy.units as u import argparse description = \ 'Print the content of MaLTPyNT files' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args(args) for fname in args.files: print() print('-' * len(fname)) print('{0}'.format(fname)) print('-' * len(fname)) if fname.endswith('.fits') or fname.endswith('.evt'): print('This FITS file contains:', end='\n\n') print_fits_info(fname) print('-' * len(fname)) continue ftype, contents = get_file_type(fname) print('This file contains:', end='\n\n') mjdref = Time(contents['MJDref'], format='mjd') for k in sorted(contents.keys()): if k in ['Tstart', 'Tstop']: timeval = contents[k] * u.s val = '{0} (MJD {1})'.format(contents[k], mjdref + timeval) else: val = contents[k] if isinstance(val, collections.Iterable) and not is_string(val): length = len(val) if len(val) < 4: val = repr(list(val[:4])) else: val = repr(list(val[:4])).replace(']', '') + '...]' val = '{} (len {})'.format(val, length) print((k + ':').ljust(15), val, end='\n\n') print('-' * len(fname))
[docs]def sort_files(files): """Sort a list of MaLTPyNT files, looking at `Tstart` in each.""" allfiles = {} ftypes = [] for f in files:'Loading file ' + f) ftype, contents = get_file_type(f) instr = contents['Instr'] ftypes.append(ftype) if instr not in list(allfiles.keys()): allfiles[instr] = [] # Add file name to the dictionary contents['FILENAME'] = f allfiles[instr].append(contents) # Check if files are all of the same kind (lcs, PDSs, ...) ftypes = list(set(ftypes)) assert len(ftypes) == 1, 'Files are not all of the same kind.' instrs = list(allfiles.keys()) for instr in instrs: contents = list(allfiles[instr]) tstarts = [c['Tstart'] for c in contents] fnames = [c['FILENAME'] for c in contents] fnames = [x for (y, x) in sorted(zip(tstarts, fnames))] # Substitute dictionaries with the sorted list of files allfiles[instr] = fnames return allfiles