Command line interface ====================== MP2xspec -------- :: usage: MP2xspec [-h] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] [--flx2xsp] files [files ...] Save a frequency spectrum in a qdp file that can be read by flx2xsp and produce a XSpec-compatible spectrumfile positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level --flx2xsp Also call flx2xsp at the end MPcalibrate ----------- :: usage: MPcalibrate [-h] [-r RMF] [-o] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] [--nproc NPROC] files [files ...] Calibrate clean event files by associating the correct energy to each PI channel. Uses either a specified rmf file or (for NuSTAR only) an rmf file from the CALDB positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r RMF, --rmf RMF rmf file used for calibration -o, --overwrite Overwrite; default: no --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level --nproc NPROC Number of processors to use MPcreategti ----------- :: usage: MPcreategti [-h] [-f FILTER] [-c] [--overwrite] [-a APPLY_GTI] [-l MINIMUM_LENGTH] [--safe-interval SAFE_INTERVAL SAFE_INTERVAL] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] files [files ...] Create GTI files from a filter expression, or applies previously created GTIs to a file positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILTER, --filter FILTER Filter expression, that has to be a valid Python boolean operation on a data variable contained in the files -c, --create-only If specified, creates GTIs withouth applyingthem to files (Default: False) --overwrite Overwrite original file (Default: False) -a APPLY_GTI, --apply-gti APPLY_GTI Apply a GTI from this file to input files -l MINIMUM_LENGTH, --minimum-length MINIMUM_LENGTH Minimum length of GTIs (below this length, they will be discarded) --safe-interval SAFE_INTERVAL SAFE_INTERVAL Interval at start and stop of GTIs used for filtering --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level MPdumpdyn --------- :: usage: MPdumpdyn [-h] [--noplot] files [files ...] Dump dynamical (cross) power spectra positional arguments: files List of files in any valid MaLTPyNT format for PDS or CPDS optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --noplot plot results MPexposure ---------- :: usage: MPexposure [-h] [-o OUTROOT] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] [--plot] lcfile uffile Create exposure light curve based on unfiltered event files. positional arguments: lcfile Light curve file (MaltPyNT format) uffile Unfiltered event file (FITS) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTROOT, --outroot OUTROOT Root of output file names --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level --plot Plot on window MPfake ------ :: usage: MPfake [-h] [-e EVENT_LIST] [-l LC] [-c CTRATE] [-o OUTNAME] [-i INSTRUMENT] [--tstart TSTART] [--tstop TSTOP] [--mjdref MJDREF] [--deadtime DEADTIME [DEADTIME ...]] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] Create an event file in FITS format from an event list, or simulating it. If input event list is not specified, generates the events randomly optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -e EVENT_LIST, --event-list EVENT_LIST File containint event list -l LC, --lc LC File containing light curve -c CTRATE, --ctrate CTRATE Count rate for simulated events -o OUTNAME, --outname OUTNAME Output file name -i INSTRUMENT, --instrument INSTRUMENT Instrument name --tstart TSTART Start time of the observation (s from MJDREF) --tstop TSTOP End time of the observation (s from MJDREF) --mjdref MJDREF Reference MJD --deadtime DEADTIME [DEADTIME ...] Dead time magnitude. Can be specified as a single number, or two. In this last case, the second value is used as sigma of the dead time distribution --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level MPfspec ------- :: usage: MPfspec [-h] [-b BINTIME] [-r REBIN] [-f FFTLEN] [-k KIND] [--norm NORM] [--noclobber] [-o OUTROOT] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--nproc NPROC] [--back BACK] [--debug] [--save-dyn] files [files ...] Create frequency spectra (PDS, CPDS, cospectrum) starting from well-defined input ligthcurves positional arguments: files List of light curve files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BINTIME, --bintime BINTIME Light curve bin time; if negative, interpreted as negative power of 2. Default: 2^-10, or keep input lc bin time (whatever is larger) -r REBIN, --rebin REBIN (C)PDS rebinning to apply. Default: none -f FFTLEN, --fftlen FFTLEN Length of FFTs. Default: 512 s -k KIND, --kind KIND Spectra to calculate, as comma-separated list (Accepted: PDS and CPDS; Default: "PDS,CPDS") --norm NORM Normalization to use (Accepted: Leahy and rms; Default: "Leahy") --noclobber Do not overwrite existing files -o OUTROOT, --outroot OUTROOT Root of output file names for CPDS only --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --nproc NPROC Number of processors to use --back BACK Estimated background (non-source) count rate --debug use DEBUG logging level --save-dyn save dynamical power spectrum MPlags ------ :: usage: MPlags [-h] [-o OUTROOT] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--noclobber] [--debug] files [files ...] Calculate time lags from the cross power spectrum and the power spectra of the two channels positional arguments: files Three files: the cross spectrum and the two power spectra optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTROOT, --outroot OUTROOT Root of output file names --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG;default:WARNING) --noclobber Do not overwrite existing files --debug use DEBUG logging level MPlcurve -------- :: usage: MPlcurve [-h] [-b BINTIME] [--safe-interval SAFE_INTERVAL SAFE_INTERVAL] [--pi-interval PI_INTERVAL PI_INTERVAL] [-e E_INTERVAL E_INTERVAL] [-s] [-j] [-g] [--minlen MINLEN] [--ignore-gtis] [-d OUTDIR] [-o OUTFILE] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--nproc NPROC] [--debug] [--noclobber] [--fits-input] [--txt-input] files [files ...] Create lightcurves starting from event files. It is possible to specify energy or channel filtering options positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -b BINTIME, --bintime BINTIME Bin time; if negative, negative power of 2 --safe-interval SAFE_INTERVAL SAFE_INTERVAL Interval at start and stop of GTIs used for filtering --pi-interval PI_INTERVAL PI_INTERVAL PI interval used for filtering -e E_INTERVAL E_INTERVAL, --e-interval E_INTERVAL E_INTERVAL Energy interval used for filtering -s, --scrunch Create scrunched light curve (single channel) -j, --join Create joint light curve (multiple channels) -g, --gti-split Split light curve by GTI --minlen MINLEN Minimum length of acceptable GTIs (default:4) --ignore-gtis Ignore GTIs -d OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR Output directory -o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE Output file name --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --nproc NPROC Number of processors to use --debug use DEBUG logging level --noclobber Do not overwrite existing files --fits-input Input files are light curves in FITS format --txt-input Input files are light curves in txt format MPplot ------ :: usage: MPplot [-h] [--noplot] [--figname FIGNAME] [--xlog] [--ylog] [--xlin] [--ylin] [--fromstart] [--axes AXES AXES] files [files ...] Plot the content of MaLTPyNT light curves and frequency spectra positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --noplot Only create images, do not plot --figname FIGNAME Figure name --xlog Use logarithmic X axis --ylog Use logarithmic Y axis --xlin Use linear X axis --ylin Use linear Y axis --fromstart Times are measured from the start of the observation (only relevant for light curves) --axes AXES AXES Plot two variables contained in the file MPreadevents ------------ :: usage: MPreadevents [-h] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--nproc NPROC] [--noclobber] [-g] [--min-length MIN_LENGTH] [--gti-string GTI_STRING] [--debug] files [files ...] Read a cleaned event files and saves the relevant information in a standard format positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --nproc NPROC Number of processors to use --noclobber Do not overwrite existing event files -g, --gti-split Split event list by GTI --min-length MIN_LENGTH Minimum length of GTIs to consider --gti-string GTI_STRING GTI string --debug use DEBUG logging level MPreadfile ---------- :: usage: MPreadfile [-h] files [files ...] Print the content of MaLTPyNT files positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit MPrebin ------- :: usage: MPrebin [-h] [-r REBIN] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] files [files ...] Rebin light curves and frequency spectra. positional arguments: files List of light curve files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -r REBIN, --rebin REBIN Rebinning to apply. Only if the quantity to rebin is a (C)PDS, it is possible to specify a non-integer rebin factor, in which case it is interpreted as a geometrical binning factor --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level MPscrunchlc ----------- :: usage: MPscrunchlc [-h] [-o OUT] [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--debug] files [files ...] Sum lightcurves from different instruments or energy ranges positional arguments: files List of files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUT, --out OUT Output file --loglevel LOGLEVEL use given logging level (one between INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; default:WARNING) --debug use DEBUG logging level MPsumfspec ---------- :: usage: MPsumfspec [-h] [-o OUTNAME] files [files ...] Sum (C)PDSs contained in different files positional arguments: files List of light curve files optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTNAME, --outname OUTNAME Output file name for summed (C)PDS. Default: tot_(c)