Installation Instructions


You’ll need a recent python 2.7+ or 3.3+ installation, and the Numpy, Matplotlib, Scipy and Astropy libraries. You should also have a working HEASoft installation to produce the cleaned event files and to use XSpec.

An optional but recommended dependency is the netCDF 4 library with its python bindings. An additional dependency that is now used only sparsely (if installed) but will become important in future versions is Numba.

Quick Installation (stable releases)


$ pip install maltpynt

and that’s it!

Installing the Development version


Download the distribution directory:

$ git clone

To use this command you will probably need to setup an SSH key for your account (in Manage Account, recommended!). Otherwise, you can use the command

$ git clone https://<yourusername>

To update the software, just run

$ git pull

from the source directory (usually, the command gives troubleshooting information if this doesn’t work the first time).


Enter the distribution directory and run

$ python install

this will check for the existing dependencies and install the files in a proper way. From that point on, executables will be somewhere in your PATH and python libraries will be available in python scripts with the usual

import maltpynt