Source code for maltpynt.base

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""A miscellaneous collection of basic functions."""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import numpy as np
import logging
import sys

[docs]def r_in(td, r_0): """Calculate incident countrate given dead time and detected countrate.""" tau = 1 / r_0 return 1. / (tau - td)
[docs]def r_det(td, r_in): """Calculate detected countrate given dead time and incident countrate.""" tau = 1 / r_in return 1. / (tau + td)
def _assign_value_if_none(value, default): if value is None: return default else: return value def _look_for_array_in_array(array1, array2): for a1 in array1: if a1 in array2: return a1
[docs]def is_string(s): """Portable function to answer this question.""" PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if PY3: return isinstance(s, str) # NOQA else: return isinstance(s, basestring) # NOQA
def _order_list_of_arrays(data, order): if hasattr(data, 'items'): data = dict([(i[0], i[1][order]) for i in data.items()]) elif hasattr(data, 'index'): data = [i[order] for i in data] else: data = None return data class _empty(): def __init__(self): pass
[docs]def mkdir_p(path): # pragma: no cover """Safe mkdir function. Parameters ---------- path : str Name of the directory/ies to create Notes ----- Found at """ import os import errno try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise
[docs]def read_header_key(fits_file, key, hdu=1): """Read the header key key from HDU hdu of the file fits_file. Parameters ---------- fits_file: str key: str The keyword to be read Other Parameters ---------------- hdu : int """ from import fits as pf hdulist = try: value = hdulist[hdu].header[key] except: # pragma: no cover value = '' hdulist.close() return value
[docs]def ref_mjd(fits_file, hdu=1): """Read MJDREFF+ MJDREFI or, if failed, MJDREF, from the FITS header. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str Returns ------- mjdref : numpy.longdouble the reference MJD Other Parameters ---------------- hdu : int """ import collections if isinstance(fits_file, collections.Iterable) and\ not is_string(fits_file): # pragma: no cover fits_file = fits_file[0]"opening %s" % fits_file) try: ref_mjd_int = np.long(read_header_key(fits_file, 'MJDREFI')) ref_mjd_float = np.longdouble(read_header_key(fits_file, 'MJDREFF')) ref_mjd_val = ref_mjd_int + ref_mjd_float except: # pragma: no cover ref_mjd_val = np.longdouble(read_header_key(fits_file, 'MJDREF')) return ref_mjd_val
[docs]def common_name(str1, str2, default='common'): """Strip two strings of the letters not in common. Filenames must be of same length and only differ by a few letters. Parameters ---------- str1 : str str2 : str Returns ------- common_str : str A string containing the parts of the two names in common Other Parameters ---------------- default : str The string to return if common_str is empty """ if not len(str1) == len(str2): return default common_str = '' # Extract the MP root of the name (in case they're event files) str1 = mp_root(str1) str2 = mp_root(str2) for i, letter in enumerate(str1): if str2[i] == letter: common_str += letter # Remove leading and trailing underscores and dashes common_str = common_str.rstrip('_').rstrip('-') common_str = common_str.lstrip('_').lstrip('-') if common_str == '': common_str = default logging.debug('common_name: %s %s -> %s' % (str1, str2, common_str)) return common_str
[docs]def mp_root(filename): """Return the root file name (without _ev, _lc, etc.). Parameters ---------- filename : str """ import os.path fname = filename.replace('.gz', '') fname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] fname = fname.replace('_ev', '').replace('_lc', '') fname = fname.replace('_calib', '') return fname
[docs]def contiguous_regions(condition): """Find contiguous True regions of the boolean array "condition". Return a 2D array where the first column is the start index of the region and the second column is the end index. Parameters ---------- condition : boolean array Returns ------- idx : [[i0_0, i0_1], [i1_0, i1_1], ...] A list of integer couples, with the start and end of each True blocks in the original array Notes ----- From """ # NOQA # Find the indicies of changes in "condition" diff = np.diff(condition) idx, = diff.nonzero() # We need to start things after the change in "condition". Therefore, # we'll shift the index by 1 to the right. idx += 1 if condition[0]: # If the start of condition is True prepend a 0 idx = np.r_[0, idx] if condition[-1]: # If the end of condition is True, append the length of the array idx = np.r_[idx, condition.size] # Reshape the result into two columns idx.shape = (-1, 2) return idx
[docs]def check_gtis(gti): """Check if GTIs are well-behaved. No start>end, no overlaps. Raises ------ AssertionError If GTIs are not well-behaved. """ gti_start = gti[:, 0] gti_end = gti[:, 1] logging.debug('-- GTI: ' + repr(gti)) # Check that GTIs are well-behaved assert np.all(gti_end >= gti_start), 'This GTI is incorrect' # Check that there are no overlaps in GTIs assert np.all(gti_start[1:] >= gti_end[:-1]), 'This GTI has overlaps' logging.debug('-- Correct') return
[docs]def create_gti_mask(time, gtis, safe_interval=0, min_length=0, return_new_gtis=False, dt=None): """Create GTI mask. Assumes that no overlaps are present between GTIs Parameters ---------- time : float array gtis : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...], float array-like Returns ------- mask : boolean array new_gtis : Nx2 array Other parameters ---------------- safe_interval : float or [float, float] A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs. min_length : float return_new_gtis : bool dt : float """ import collections check_gtis(gtis) dt = _assign_value_if_none(dt, np.zeros_like(time) + (time[1] - time[0]) / 2) mask = np.zeros(len(time), dtype=bool) if not isinstance(safe_interval, collections.Iterable): safe_interval = [safe_interval, safe_interval] newgtis = np.zeros_like(gtis) # Whose GTIs, including safe intervals, are longer than min_length newgtimask = np.zeros(len(newgtis), dtype=np.bool) for ig, gti in enumerate(gtis): limmin, limmax = gti limmin += safe_interval[0] limmax -= safe_interval[1] if limmax - limmin >= min_length: newgtis[ig][:] = [limmin, limmax] cond1 = time - dt >= limmin cond2 = time + dt <= limmax good = np.logical_and(cond1, cond2) mask[good] = True newgtimask[ig] = True res = mask if return_new_gtis: res = [res, newgtis[newgtimask]] return res
[docs]def create_gti_from_condition(time, condition, safe_interval=0, dt=None): """Create a GTI list from a time array and a boolean mask ("condition"). Parameters ---------- time : array-like Array containing times condition : array-like An array of bools, of the same length of time. A possible condition can be, e.g., the result of lc > 0. Returns ------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] The newly created GTIs Other parameters ---------------- safe_interval : float or [float, float] A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs. dt : float The width (in sec) of each bin of the time array. Can be irregular. """ import collections assert len(time) == len(condition), \ 'The length of the condition and time arrays must be the same.' idxs = contiguous_regions(condition) if not isinstance(safe_interval, collections.Iterable): safe_interval = [safe_interval, safe_interval] dt = _assign_value_if_none(dt, np.zeros_like(time) + (time[1] - time[0]) / 2) gtis = [] for idx in idxs: logging.debug(idx) startidx = idx[0] stopidx = idx[1]-1 t0 = time[startidx] - dt[startidx] + safe_interval[0] t1 = time[stopidx] + dt[stopidx] - safe_interval[1] if t1 - t0 < 0: continue gtis.append([t0, t1]) return np.array(gtis)
[docs]def cross_two_gtis(gti0, gti1): """Extract the common intervals from two GTI lists *EXACTLY*. Parameters ---------- gti0 : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] gti1 : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] Returns ------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] The newly created GTIs See Also -------- cross_gtis : From multiple GTI lists, extract common intervals *EXACTLY* """ gti0 = np.array(gti0, dtype=np.longdouble) gti1 = np.array(gti1, dtype=np.longdouble) # Check GTIs check_gtis(gti0) check_gtis(gti1) gti0_start = gti0[:, 0] gti0_end = gti0[:, 1] gti1_start = gti1[:, 0] gti1_end = gti1[:, 1] # Create a list that references to the two start and end series gti_start = [gti0_start, gti1_start] gti_end = [gti0_end, gti1_end] # Concatenate the series, while keeping track of the correct origin of # each start and end time gti0_tag = np.array([0 for g in gti0_start], dtype=bool) gti1_tag = np.array([1 for g in gti1_start], dtype=bool) conc_start = np.concatenate((gti0_start, gti1_start)) conc_end = np.concatenate((gti0_end, gti1_end)) conc_tag = np.concatenate((gti0_tag, gti1_tag)) # Put in time order order = np.argsort(conc_end) conc_start = conc_start[order] conc_end = conc_end[order] conc_tag = conc_tag[order] last_end = conc_start[0] - 1 final_gti = [] for ie, e in enumerate(conc_end): # Is this ending in series 0 or 1? this_series = conc_tag[ie] other_series = not this_series # Check that this closes intervals in both series. # 1. Check that there is an opening in both series 0 and 1 lower than e try: st_pos = \ np.argmax(gti_start[this_series][gti_start[this_series] < e]) so_pos = \ np.argmax(gti_start[other_series][gti_start[other_series] < e]) st = gti_start[this_series][st_pos] so = gti_start[other_series][so_pos] s = max([st, so]) except: # pragma: no cover continue # If this start is inside the last interval (It can happen for equal # GTI start times between the two series), then skip! if s <= last_end: continue # 2. Check that there is no closing before e in the "other series", # from intervals starting either after s, or starting and ending # between the last closed interval and this one cond1 = (gti_end[other_series] > s) * (gti_end[other_series] < e) cond2 = gti_end[other_series][so_pos] < s condition = np.any(np.logical_or(cond1, cond2)) # Well, if none of the conditions at point 2 apply, then you can # create the new gti! if not condition: final_gti.append([s, e]) last_end = e return np.array(final_gti, dtype=np.longdouble)
[docs]def cross_gtis(gti_list): """From multiple GTI lists, extract the common intervals *EXACTLY*. Parameters ---------- gti_list : array-like List of GTI arrays, each one in the usual format [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] Returns ------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] The newly created GTIs See Also -------- cross_two_gtis : Extract the common intervals from two GTI lists *EXACTLY* """ ninst = len(gti_list) if ninst == 1: return gti_list[0] gti0 = gti_list[0] for gti in gti_list[1:]: gti0 = cross_two_gtis(gti0, gti) return gti0
[docs]def get_btis(gtis, start_time=None, stop_time=None): """From GTIs, obtain bad time intervals. GTIs have to be well-behaved, in the sense that they have to pass `check_gtis`. """ # Check GTIs if len(gtis) == 0: assert start_time is not None and stop_time is not None, \ 'Empty GTI and no valid start_time and stop_time. BAD!' return np.array([[start_time, stop_time]], dtype=np.longdouble) check_gtis(gtis) start_time = _assign_value_if_none(start_time, gtis[0][0]) stop_time = _assign_value_if_none(stop_time, gtis[-1][1]) if gtis[0][0] - start_time <= 0: btis = [] else: btis = [[gtis[0][0] - start_time]] # Transform GTI list in flat_gtis = gtis.flatten() new_flat_btis = zip(flat_gtis[1:-2:2], flat_gtis[2:-1:2]) btis.extend(new_flat_btis) if stop_time - gtis[-1][1] > 0: btis.extend([[gtis[0][0] - stop_time]]) return np.array(btis, dtype=np.longdouble)
[docs]def optimal_bin_time(fftlen, tbin): """Vary slightly the bin time to have a power of two number of bins. Given an FFT length and a proposed bin time, return a bin time slightly shorter than the original, that will produce a power-of-two number of FFT bins. """ import numpy as np return fftlen / (2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(fftlen / tbin)))
[docs]def detection_level(nbins, epsilon=0.01, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1): r"""Detection level for a PDS. Return the detection level (with probability 1 - epsilon) for a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof :math:`{\chi}^2` statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra) """ try: from scipy import stats except: # pragma: no cover raise Exception('You need Scipy to use this function') import collections if not isinstance(n_rebin, collections.Iterable): r = n_rebin retlev = stats.chi2.isf(epsilon / nbins, 2 * n_summed_spectra * r) \ / (n_summed_spectra * r) else: retlev = [stats.chi2.isf(epsilon / nbins, 2 * n_summed_spectra * r) / (n_summed_spectra * r) for r in n_rebin] retlev = np.array(retlev) return retlev
[docs]def probability_of_power(level, nbins, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1): r"""Give the probability of a given power level in PDS. Return the probability of a certain power level in a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof :math:`{\chi}^2` statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra) """ try: from scipy import stats except: # pragma: no cover raise Exception('You need Scipy to use this function') epsilon = nbins * stats.chi2.sf(level * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin, 2 * n_summed_spectra * n_rebin) return 1 - epsilon
[docs]def calc_countrate(time, lc, gtis=None, bintime=None): """Calculate the count rate from a light curve. Parameters ---------- time : array-like lc : array-like Returns ------- countrate : float The mean count rate Other Parameters ---------------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] bintime : float The bin time of the light curve. If not specified, the minimum difference between time bins is used """ bintime = _assign_value_if_none(bintime, np.min(np.diff(time))) if gtis is not None: mask = create_gti_mask(time, gtis) lc = lc[mask] return np.mean(lc) / bintime
[docs]def gti_len(gti): """Return the total good time from a list of GTIs.""" return np.sum([g[1] - g[0] for g in gti])