maltpynt package


maltpynt.base module

A miscellaneous collection of basic functions.

maltpynt.base.calc_countrate(time, lc, gtis=None, bintime=None)[source]

Calculate the count rate from a light curve.


time : array-like

lc : array-like


countrate : float

The mean count rate

Other Parameters:

gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

bintime : float

The bin time of the light curve. If not specified, the minimum difference between time bins is used


Check if GTIs are well-behaved. No start>end, no overlaps.



If GTIs are not well-behaved.

maltpynt.base.common_name(str1, str2, default=u'common')[source]

Strip two strings of the letters not in common.

Filenames must be of same length and only differ by a few letters.


str1 : str

str2 : str


common_str : str

A string containing the parts of the two names in common

Other Parameters:

default : str

The string to return if common_str is empty


Find contiguous True regions of the boolean array “condition”.

Return a 2D array where the first column is the start index of the region and the second column is the end index.


condition : boolean array


idx : [[i0_0, i0_1], [i1_0, i1_1], ...]

A list of integer couples, with the start and end of each True blocks in the original array



maltpynt.base.create_gti_from_condition(time, condition, safe_interval=0, dt=None)[source]

Create a GTI list from a time array and a boolean mask (“condition”).


time : array-like

Array containing times

condition : array-like

An array of bools, of the same length of time. A possible condition can be, e.g., the result of lc > 0.


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

The newly created GTIs

Other Parameters:

safe_interval : float or [float, float]

A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs.

dt : float

The width (in sec) of each bin of the time array. Can be irregular.

maltpynt.base.create_gti_mask(time, gtis, safe_interval=0, min_length=0, return_new_gtis=False, dt=None)[source]

Create GTI mask.

Assumes that no overlaps are present between GTIs


time : float array

gtis : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...], float array-like


mask : boolean array

new_gtis : Nx2 array

Other Parameters:

safe_interval : float or [float, float]

A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs.

min_length : float

return_new_gtis : bool

dt : float


From multiple GTI lists, extract the common intervals EXACTLY.


gti_list : array-like

List of GTI arrays, each one in the usual format [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

The newly created GTIs

See also

Extract the common intervals from two GTI lists EXACTLY
maltpynt.base.cross_two_gtis(gti0, gti1)[source]

Extract the common intervals from two GTI lists EXACTLY.


gti0 : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

gti1 : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

The newly created GTIs

See also

From multiple GTI lists, extract common intervals EXACTLY
maltpynt.base.detection_level(nbins, epsilon=0.01, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1)[source]

Detection level for a PDS.

Return the detection level (with probability 1 - epsilon) for a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof \({\chi}^2\) statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra)

maltpynt.base.get_btis(gtis, start_time=None, stop_time=None)[source]

From GTIs, obtain bad time intervals.

GTIs have to be well-behaved, in the sense that they have to pass check_gtis.


Return the total good time from a list of GTIs.


Portable function to answer this question.


Safe mkdir function.


path : str

Name of the directory/ies to create


Found at


Return the root file name (without _ev, _lc, etc.).

Parameters:filename : str
maltpynt.base.optimal_bin_time(fftlen, tbin)[source]

Vary slightly the bin time to have a power of two number of bins.

Given an FFT length and a proposed bin time, return a bin time slightly shorter than the original, that will produce a power-of-two number of FFT bins.

maltpynt.base.probability_of_power(level, nbins, n_summed_spectra=1, n_rebin=1)[source]

Give the probability of a given power level in PDS.

Return the probability of a certain power level in a Power Density Spectrum of nbins bins, normalized a la Leahy (1983), based on the 2-dof \({\chi}^2\) statistics, corrected for rebinning (n_rebin) and multiple PDS averaging (n_summed_spectra)

maltpynt.base.r_det(td, r_in)[source]

Calculate detected countrate given dead time and incident countrate.

maltpynt.base.r_in(td, r_0)[source]

Calculate incident countrate given dead time and detected countrate.

maltpynt.base.read_header_key(fits_file, key, hdu=1)[source]

Read the header key key from HDU hdu of the file fits_file.


fits_file: str

key: str

The keyword to be read

Other Parameters:

hdu : int

maltpynt.base.ref_mjd(fits_file, hdu=1)[source]

Read MJDREFF+ MJDREFI or, if failed, MJDREF, from the FITS header.


fits_file : str


mjdref : numpy.longdouble

the reference MJD

Other Parameters:

hdu : int

maltpynt.calibrate module

Calibrate event lists by looking in rmf files.

maltpynt.calibrate.calibrate(fname, outname, rmf_file=None)[source]

Do calibration of an event list.


fname : str

The MaLTPyNT file containing the events

outname : str

The output file

Other Parameters:

rmf_file : str

The rmf file used to read the calibration. If None or not specified, the one given by default_nustar_rmf() is used.


Look for the default rmf file in the CALDB.

The CALDB environment variable has to point to the correct location of the NuSTAR CALDB


The calibration might change in the future. The hardcoded file name will be eventually replaced with a smarter choice based on observing time


Main function called by the MPcalibrate command line script.

maltpynt.calibrate.read_calibration(pis, rmf_file=None)[source]

Read the energy channels corresponding to the given PI channels.


pis : array-like

The channels to lookup in the rmf

Other Parameters:

rmf_file : str

The rmf file used to read the calibration. If None or not specified, the one given by default_nustar_rmf() is used.


Load RMF info.


Preliminary: only EBOUNDS are read.


rmf_file : str

The rmf file used to read the calibration. If None or not specified, the one given by default_nustar_rmf() is used.


pis : array-like

the PI channels

e_mins : array-like

the lower energy bound of each PI channel

e_maxs : array-like

the upper energy bound of each PI channel

maltpynt.create_gti module

Functions to create and apply GTIs.

maltpynt.create_gti.apply_gti(fname, gti, outname=None, minimum_length=0)[source]

Apply a GTI list to the data contained in a file.

File MUST have a GTI extension already, and an extension called time.

maltpynt.create_gti.create_gti(fname, filter_expr, safe_interval=[0, 0], outfile=None, minimum_length=0)[source]

Create a GTI list by using boolean operations on file data.


fname : str

File name. The file must be in MaLTPyNT format.

filter_expr : str

A boolean condition on one or more of the arrays contained in the data. E.g. ‘(lc > 10) & (lc < 20)’


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

The newly created GTIs

Other Parameters:

safe_interval : float or [float, float]

A safe interval to exclude at both ends (if single float) or the start and the end (if pair of values) of GTIs.

outfile : str

The output file name. If None, use a default root + ‘_gti’ combination

maltpynt.create_gti.filter_gti_by_length(gti, minimum_length)[source]

Filter a list of GTIs: keep those longer than minimum_length.


Main function called by the MPcreategti command line script.

maltpynt.exposure module

Calculate the exposure correction for light curves.

Only works for data taken in specific data modes of NuSTAR, where all events are telemetered.

maltpynt.exposure.correct_lightcurve(lc_file, uf_file, outname=None, expo_limit=1e-07)[source]

Apply exposure correction to light curve.


lc_file : str

The light curve file, in MaLTPyNT format

uf_file : str

The unfiltered event file, in FITS format


outdata : str

Output data structure

Other Parameters:

outname : str

Output file name

maltpynt.exposure.get_exposure_from_uf(time, uf_file, dt=None, gti=None)[source]

Get livetime from unfiltered event file.


time : array-like

The time bins of the light curve

uf_file : str

Unfiltered event file (the one in the event_cl directory with the _uf suffix)


expo : array-like

Exposure (livetime) values corresponding to time bins

Other Parameters:

dt : float

If time array is not sampled uniformly, dt can be specified here.

maltpynt.exposure.get_livetime_per_bin(times, events, priors, dt=None, gti=None)[source]

Get the livetime in a series of time intervals.


times : array-like

The array of times to look at

events : array-like

A list of events, producing dead time

priors : array-like

The livetime before each event (as in the PRIOR column of unfiltered NuSTAR event files)


livetime_array : array-like

An array of the same length as times, containing the live time values

Other Parameters:

dt : float or array-like

The width of the time bins of the time array. Can be a single float or an array of the same length as times

gti : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...]

Good time intervals. Defaults to [[time[0] - dt[0]/2, time[-1] + dt[-1]/2]]


Main function called by the MPexposure command line script.

maltpynt.fake module

Functions to simulate data and produce a fake event file.

maltpynt.fake.fake_events_from_lc(times, lc, use_spline=False, bin_time=None)[source]

Create events from a light curve.


times : array-like

the center time of each light curve bin

lc : array-like

light curve, in units of counts/bin


event_list : array-like

Simulated arrival times

maltpynt.fake.filter_for_deadtime(ev_list, deadtime, bkg_ev_list=None, dt_sigma=None, paralyzable=False, additional_data=None, return_all=False)[source]

Filter an event list for a given dead time.


ev_list : array-like

The event list

deadtime: float

The (mean, if not constant) value of deadtime


new_ev_list : array-like

The filtered event list

additional_output : dict

Object with all the following attributes. Only returned if return_all is True

uf_events : array-like

Unfiltered event list (events + background)

is_event : array-like

Boolean values; True if event, False if background

deadtime : array-like

Dead time values

bkg : array-like

The filtered background event list

mask : array-like, optional

The mask that filters the input event list and produces the output event list.

Other Parameters:

bkg_ev_list : array-like

A background event list that affects dead time

dt_sigma : float

The standard deviation of a non-constant dead time around deadtime.

return_all : bool

If True, return the mask that filters the input event list to obtain the output event list.

maltpynt.fake.generate_fake_fits_observation(event_list=None, filename=None, pi=None, instr='FPMA', gti=None, tstart=None, tstop=None, mjdref=55197.00076601852, livetime=None, additional_columns={})[source]

Generate fake NuSTAR data.

Takes an event list (as a list of floats) All inputs are None by default, and can be set during the call.


event_list : list-like

List of event arrival times, in seconds from mjdref. If left None, 1000 random events will be generated, for a total length of 1025 s or the difference between tstop and tstart.

filename : str

Output file name


hdulist : FITS hdu list

FITS hdu list of the output file

Other Parameters:

mjdref : float

Reference MJD. Default is 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR)

pi : list-like

The PI channel of each event

tstart : float

Start of the observation (s from mjdref)

tstop : float

End of the observation (s from mjdref)

instr : str

Name of the instrument. Default is ‘FPMA’

livetime : float

Total livetime. Default is tstop - tstart


Dummy decorator in case jit cannot be imported.


Main function called by the MPfake command line script.

maltpynt.fspec module

Functions to calculate frequency spectra.

maltpynt.fspec.calc_cpds(lcfile1, lcfile2, fftlen, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, outname=u'cpds.p', normalization=u'Leahy', back_ctrate=0.0, noclobber=False)[source]

Calculate the CPDS from a pair of input light curve files.


lcfile1 : str

The first light curve file

lcfile2 : str

The second light curve file

fftlen : float

The length of the chunks over which FFTs will be calculated, in seconds

Other Parameters:

save_dyn : bool

If True, save the dynamical power spectrum

bintime : float

The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed

pdsrebin : int

Rebin the PDS of this factor.

normalization : str

‘Leahy’ or ‘rms’. Default ‘Leahy’

back_ctrate : float

The non-source count rate

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files

outname : str

Output file name for the cpds. Default: cpds.[nc|p]

maltpynt.fspec.calc_fspec(files, fftlen, do_calc_pds=True, do_calc_cpds=True, do_calc_cospectrum=True, do_calc_lags=True, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, outroot=None, normalization=u'Leahy', nproc=1, back_ctrate=0.0, noclobber=False)[source]

Calculate the frequency spectra: the PDS, the cospectrum, ...


files : list of str

List of input file names

fftlen : float

length of chunks to perform the FFT on.

Other Parameters:

save_dyn : bool

If True, save the dynamical power spectrum

bintime : float

The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed

pdsrebin : int

Rebin the PDS of this factor.

normalization : str

‘Leahy’ [3] or ‘rms’ [4] [5]. Default ‘Leahy’.

back_ctrate : float

The non-source count rate

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files

outroot : str

Output file name root

nproc : int

Number of processors to use to parallelize the processing of multiple files


[3] Leahy et al. 1983, ApJ, 266, 160.

[4] Belloni & Hasinger 1990, A&A, 230, 103

[5] Miyamoto et al. 1991, ApJ, 383, 784

maltpynt.fspec.calc_pds(lcfile, fftlen, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, normalization=u'Leahy', back_ctrate=0.0, noclobber=False, outname=None)[source]

Calculate the PDS from an input light curve file.


lcfile : str

The light curve file

fftlen : float

The length of the chunks over which FFTs will be calculated, in seconds

Other Parameters:

save_dyn : bool

If True, save the dynamical power spectrum

bintime : float

The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed

pdsrebin : int

Rebin the PDS of this factor.

normalization : str

‘Leahy’ or ‘rms’

back_ctrate : float

The non-source count rate

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files

outname : str

If speficied, output file name. If not specified or None, the new file will have the same root as the input light curve and the ‘_pds’ suffix

maltpynt.fspec.decide_spectrum_intervals(gtis, fftlen)[source]

Decide the start times of PDSs.

Start each FFT/PDS/cospectrum from the start of a GTI, and stop before the next gap. Only use for events! This will give problems with binned light curves.


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

fftlen : float

Length of the chunks


spectrum_start_times : array-like

List of starting times to use in the spectral calculations.

maltpynt.fspec.decide_spectrum_lc_intervals(gtis, fftlen, time)[source]

Similar to decide_spectrum_intervals, but dedicated to light curves.

In this case, it is necessary to specify the time array containing the times of the light curve bins. Returns start and stop bins of the intervals to use for the PDS


gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

fftlen : float

Length of the chunks

time : array-like

Times of light curve bins

maltpynt.fspec.dumpdyn(fname, plot=False)[source]

Dump a dynamical frequency spectrum in text files.


fname : str

The file name

Other Parameters:

plot : bool

if True, plot the spectrum


Main function called by the MPdumpdyn command line script.

maltpynt.fspec.fft(lc, bintime)[source]

A wrapper for the fft function. Just numpy for now.


lc : array-like

bintime : float


freq : array-like

ft : array-like

the Fourier transform.

maltpynt.fspec.leahy_cpds(lc1, lc2, bintime)[source]

Calculate the cross power density spectrum.

Calculates the Cross Power Density Spectrum, normalized similarly to the PDS in Leahy+1983, ApJ 266, 160., given the lightcurve and its bin time. Assumes no gaps are present! Beware!


lc1 : array-like

The first light curve

lc2 : array-like

The light curve

bintime : array-like

The bin time of the light curve


freqs : array-like

Frequencies corresponding to PDS

cpds : array-like

The cross power density spectrum

cpdse : array-like

The error on the cross power density spectrum

pds1 : array-like

The power density spectrum of the first light curve

pds2 : array-like

The power density spectrum of the second light curve

maltpynt.fspec.leahy_pds(lc, bintime)[source]

Calculate the power density spectrum.

Calculates the Power Density Spectrum a la Leahy+1983, ApJ 266, 160, given the lightcurve and its bin time. Assumes no gaps are present! Beware!


lc : array-like

the light curve

bintime : array-like

the bin time of the light curve


freqs : array-like

Frequencies corresponding to PDS

pds : array-like

The power density spectrum


Main function called by the MPfspec command line script.


Read the frequency spectrum from a file.


fname : str

The input file name


ftype : str

File type

freq : array-like

Frequency array

fspec : array-like

Frequency spectrum array

efspec : array-like

Errors on spectral bins

nchunks : int

Number of spectra that have been summed to obtain fspec

rebin : array-like or int

Rebin factor in each bin. Might be irregular in case of geometrical binning

maltpynt.fspec.rms_normalize_pds(pds, pds_err, source_ctrate, back_ctrate=None)[source]

Normalize a Leahy PDS with RMS normalization ([R1], [R2]).


pds : array-like

The Leahy-normalized PDS

pds_err : array-like

The uncertainties on the PDS values

source_ctrate : float

The source count rate

back_ctrate: float, optional

The background count rate


pds : array-like

the RMS-normalized PDS

pds_err : array-like

the uncertainties on the PDS values


[R1](1, 2) Belloni & Hasinger 1990, A&A, 230, 103
[R2](1, 2) Miyamoto+1991, ApJ, 383, 784
maltpynt.fspec.welch_cpds(time, lc1, lc2, bintime, fftlen, gti=None, return_all=False)[source]

Calculate the CPDS, averaged over equal chunks of data.

Calculates the Cross Power Density Spectrum normalized like PDS, given the lightcurve and its bin time, over equal chunks of length fftlen, and returns the average of all PDSs, or the sum PDS and the number of chunks


time : array-like

Central times of light curve bins

lc1 : array-like

Light curve 1

lc2 : array-like

Light curve 2

bintime : float

Bin time of the light curve

fftlen : float

Length of each FFT

gti : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...]

Good time intervals. Defaults to [[time[0] - bintime/2, time[-1] + bintime/2]]


return_str : object

An Object containing all return values below

f : array-like

array of frequencies corresponding to PDS bins

cpds : array-like

the values of the PDS

ecpds : array-like

the values of the PDS

ncpds : int

the number of summed PDSs (if normalize is False)

ctrate : float

the average count rate in the two lcs

dyncpds : array-like, optional

dynecpds : array-like, optional

dynctrate : array-like, optional

times : array-like, optional

Other Parameters:

return_all : bool

if True, return everything, including the dynamical PDS

maltpynt.fspec.welch_pds(time, lc, bintime, fftlen, gti=None, return_all=False)[source]

Calculate the PDS, averaged over equal chunks of data.

Calculates the Power Density Spectrum ‘a la Leahy (1983), given the lightcurve and its bin time, over equal chunks of length fftlen, and returns the average of all PDSs, or the sum PDS and the number of chunks


time : array-like

Central times of light curve bins

lc : array-like

Light curve

bintime : float

Bin time of the light curve

fftlen : float

Length of each FFT

gti : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...]

Good time intervals. Defaults to [[time[0] - bintime/2, time[-1] + bintime/2]]


return_str : object, optional

An Object containing all values below.

f : array-like

array of frequencies corresponding to PDS bins

pds : array-like

the values of the PDS

epds : array-like

the values of the PDS

npds : int

the number of summed PDSs (if normalize is False)

ctrate : float

the average count rate in the two lcs

dynpds : array-like, optional

dynepds : array-like, optional

dynctrate : array-like, optional

times : array-like, optional

Other Parameters:

return_all : bool

if True, return everything, including the dynamical PDS module

Functions to perform input/output operations.[source]

Get the file extension.[source]

Decide the file format of the file., specify_reb=True)[source]

Return the file type and its contents.

Only works for maltpynt-format pickle or netcdf files., keyword)[source]

Read FITS header keywords, also if split in two.

In the case where the keyword is split in two, like


in some missions, this function returns the summed value. Otherwise, the content of the single keyword


hdr : dict_like

The header structure, or a dictionary

keyword : str

The key to read in the header


value : long double

The value of the key[source]

Load generic data in maltpynt format.[source]

Load events from a file., additional_columns=None, gtistring=u'GTI, STDGTI', gti_file=None, hduname=u'EVENTS', column=u'TIME')[source]

Load event lists and GTIs from one or more files.

Loads event list from HDU EVENTS of file fits_file, with Good Time intervals. Optionally, returns additional columns of data from the same HDU of the events.


fits_file : str

return_limits: bool, optional

Return the TSTART and TSTOP keyword values

additional_columns: list of str, optional

A list of keys corresponding to the additional columns to extract from the event HDU (ex.: [‘PI’, ‘X’])


ev_list : array-like

gtis: [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

additional_data: dict

A dictionary, where each key is the one specified in additional_colums. The data are an array with the values of the specified column in the fits file.

t_start : float

t_stop : float, gtistring=None)[source]

Load GTI from HDU EVENTS of file fits_file.[source]

Load light curve from a file.[source]

Load PDS from a file.[source]

Main function called by the MPreadfile command line script., hdu=1)[source]

Print general info about an observation.[source]

Read from a netCDF4 file., filename=u'out.txt', colnames=None, append=False)[source]

Save arrays as TXT file with respective errors., varnames, formats, fname)[source]

Save variables in a NetCDF4 file., errors=None, filename=u'out.qdp')[source]

Save arrays in a QDP file.

Saves an array of variables, and possibly their errors, to a QDP file.


arrays: [array1, array2]

List of variables. All variables must be arrays and of the same length.

errors: [array1, array2]

List of errors. The order has to be the same of arrays; the value can be: - None if no error is assigned - an array of same length of variable for symmetric errors - an array of len-2 lists for non-symmetric errors (e.g. [[errm1, errp1], [errm2, errp2], [errm3, errp3], ...]), fname, ftype=u'data')[source]

Save generic data in maltpynt format., fname)[source]

Save events in a file., fname)[source]

Save light curve in a file., fname)[source]

Save PDS in a file.[source]

Sort a list of MaLTPyNT files, looking at Tstart in each.

maltpynt.lags module

Functions to calculate lags.

maltpynt.lags.calc_lags(freqs, cpds, pds1, pds2, n_chunks, rebin)[source]

Calculate time lags.


freqs : array-like

The frequency array

cpds : array-like

The cross power spectrum

pds1 : array-like

The PDS of the first channel

pds2 : array-like

The PDS of the second channel

n_chunks : int or array-like

The number of PDSs averaged

rebin : int or array-like

The number of bins averaged to obtain each bin


lags : array-like

The lags spectrum at frequencies corresponding to freqs

lagse : array-like

The errors on lags

maltpynt.lags.lags_from_spectra(cpdsfile, pds1file, pds2file, outroot=u'lag', noclobber=False)[source]

Calculate time lags.


cpdsfile : str

The MP-format file containing the CPDS

pds1file : str

The MP-format file containing the first PDS used for the CPDS

pds1file : str

The MP-format file containing the second PDS


freq : array-like

Central frequencies of spectral bins

df : array-like

Width of each spectral bin

lags : array-like

Time lags

elags : array-like

Error on the time lags

Other Parameters:

outroot : str

Root of the output filename

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files


Main function called by the MPlags command line script.

maltpynt.lcurve module

Light curve-related functions.

maltpynt.lcurve.filter_lc_gtis(time, lc, gti, safe_interval=None, delete=False, min_length=0, return_borders=False)[source]

Filter a light curve for GTIs.


time : array-like

The time bins of the light curve

lc : array-like

The light curve

gti : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

Good Time Intervals


time : array-like

The time bins of the light curve

lc : array-like

The output light curve

newgtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

The output Good Time Intervals

borders : [[i0_0, i0_1], [i1_0, i1_1], ...], optional

The indexes of the light curve corresponding to the borders of the GTIs. Returned if return_borders is set to True

Other Parameters:

safe_interval : float or [float, float]

Seconds to filter out at the start and end of each GTI. If single float, these safe windows are equal, otherwise the two numbers refer to the start and end of the GTI respectively

delete : bool

If delete is True, the intervals outside of GTIs are filtered out from the light curve. Otherwise, they are set to zero.

min_length : float

Minimum length of GTI. GTIs below this length will be removed.

return_borders : bool

If True, return also the indexes of the light curve corresponding to the borders of the GTIs

maltpynt.lcurve.join_lightcurves(lcfilelist, outfile=u'out_lc.p')[source]

Join light curves from different files.

Light curves from different instruments are put in different channels.


lcfilelist :

outfile :

See also

Create a single light curve from input light curves.
maltpynt.lcurve.lcurve(event_list, bin_time, start_time=None, stop_time=None, centertime=True)[source]

From a list of event times, estract a lightcurve.


event_list : array-like

Times of arrival of events

bin_time : float

Binning time of the light curve


time : array-like

The time bins of the light curve

lc : array-like

The light curve

Other Parameters:

start_time : float

Initial time of the light curve

stop_time : float

Stop time of the light curve

centertime: bool

If False, time is the start of the bin. Otherwise, the center

maltpynt.lcurve.lcurve_from_events(f, safe_interval=0, pi_interval=None, e_interval=None, min_length=0, gti_split=False, ignore_gtis=False, bintime=1.0, outdir=None, outfile=None, noclobber=False)[source]

Bin an event list in a light curve.


f : str

Input event file name

bintime : float

The bin time of the output light curve


outfiles : list

List of output light curves

Other Parameters:

safe_interval : float or [float, float]

Seconds to filter out at the start and end of each GTI. If single float, these safe windows are equal, otherwise the two numbers refer to the start and end of the GTI respectively

pi_interval : [int, int]

PI channel interval to select. Default None, meaning that all PI channels are used

e_interval : [float, float]

Energy interval to select (only works if event list is calibrated with calibrate). Default None

min_length : float

GTIs below this length will be filtered out

gti_split : bool

If True, create one light curve for each good time interval

ignore_gtis : bool

Ignore good time intervals, and get a single light curve that includes possible gaps

outdir : str

Output directory

outfile : str

Output file

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files

maltpynt.lcurve.lcurve_from_fits(fits_file, gtistring=u'GTI', timecolumn=u'TIME', ratecolumn=None, ratehdu=1, fracexp_limit=0.9, outfile=None, noclobber=False, outdir=None)[source]

Load a lightcurve from a fits file and save it in MaLTPyNT format.


FITS light curve handling is still under testing. Absolute times might be incorrect depending on the light curve format.


fits_file : str

File name of the input light curve in FITS format


outfile : [str]

Returned as a list with a single element for consistency with lcurve_from_events

Other Parameters:

gtistring : str

Name of the GTI extension in the FITS file

timecolumn : str

Name of the column containing times in the FITS file

ratecolumn : str

Name of the column containing rates in the FITS file

ratehdu : str or int

Name or index of the FITS extension containing the light curve

fracexp_limit : float

Minimum exposure fraction allowed

outfile : str

Output file name

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files

maltpynt.lcurve.lcurve_from_txt(txt_file, outfile=None, noclobber=False, outdir=None)[source]

Load a lightcurve from a text file.


txt_file : str

File name of the input light curve in text format. Assumes two columns: time, counts. Times are seconds from MJDREF 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR).


outfile : [str]

Returned as a list with a single element for consistency with lcurve_from_events

Other Parameters:

outfile : str

Output file name

noclobber : bool

If True, do not overwrite existing files


Main function called by the MPlcurve command line script.

maltpynt.lcurve.scrunch_lightcurves(lcfilelist, outfile=u'out_scrlc.p', save_joint=False)[source]

Create a single light curve from input light curves.

Light curves are appended when they cover different times, and summed when they fall in the same time range. This is done regardless of the channel or the instrument.


lcfilelist : list of str

The list of light curve files to scrunch


time : array-like

The time array

lc :

The new light curve

gti : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...]

Good Time Intervals

Other Parameters:

outfile : str

The output file name

save_joint : bool

If True, save the per-channel joint light curves

See also

Join light curves from different files

Main function called by the MPscrunchlc command line script.

maltpynt.plot module

Quicklook plots.


Main function called by the MPplot command line script.

maltpynt.plot.plot_cospectrum(fnames, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None)[source]

Plot the cospectra from a list of CPDSs, or a single one.

maltpynt.plot.plot_generic(fnames, vars, errs=None, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None)[source]

Generic plotting function.

maltpynt.plot.plot_lc(lcfiles, figname=None, fromstart=False, xlog=None, ylog=None)[source]

Plot a list of light curve files, or a single one.

maltpynt.plot.plot_pds(fnames, figname=None, xlog=None, ylog=None)[source]

Plot a list of PDSs, or a single one.

maltpynt.read_events module

Read and save event lists from FITS files.


Main function called by the MPreadevents command line script.

maltpynt.read_events.treat_event_file(filename, noclobber=False, gti_split=False, min_length=4, gtistring=None)[source]

Read data from an event file, with no external GTI information.


filename : str

Other Parameters:

noclobber: bool

if a file is present, do not overwrite it

gtistring: str

comma-separated set of GTI strings to consider

gti_split: bool

split the file in multiple chunks, containing one GTI each

min_length: float

minimum length of GTIs accepted (only if gti_split is True)

maltpynt.rebin module

Functions to rebin light curves and frequency spectra.

maltpynt.rebin.const_rebin(x, y, factor, yerr=None, normalize=True)[source]

Rebin any pair of variables.

Might be time and counts, or freq and pds. Also possible to rebin the error on y.


x : array-like

y : array-like

factor : int

Rebin factor

yerr : array-like, optional

Uncertainties of y values (it is assumed that the y are normally distributed)


new_x : array-like

The rebinned x array

new_y : array-like

The rebinned y array

new_err : array-like

The rebinned yerr array

Other Parameters:

normalize : bool

maltpynt.rebin.geom_bin(freq, pds, bin_factor=None, pds_err=None, npds=None)[source]

Given a PDS, bin it geometrically.


freq : array-like

pds : array-like

bin_factor : float > 1

pds_err : array-like


retval : object

An object containing all the following attributes

flo : array-like

Lower boundaries of the new frequency bins

fhi : array-like

Upper boundaries of the new frequency bins

pds : array-like

The rebinned PDS

epds : array-like

The uncertainties on the rebinned PDS points (be careful. Check with simulations if it works in your case)

nbins : array-like, optional

The new number of bins averaged in each PDS point.

Other Parameters:

npds : int

The number of PDSs averaged to obtain the input PDS


Some parts of the code are copied from an algorithm in


Main function called by the MPrebin command line script.

maltpynt.rebin.rebin_file(filename, rebin)[source]

Rebin the contents of a file, be it a light curve or a spectrum.

maltpynt.save_as_xspec module

Functions to save data in a Xspec-readable format.


Main function called by the MP2xspec command line script.

maltpynt.save_as_xspec.save_as_xspec(fname, direct_save=False)[source]

Save frequency spectra in a format readable to FTOOLS and Xspec.


fname : str

Input MaLTPyNT frequency spectrum file name

direct_save : bool

If True, also call flx2xsp to produce the output .pha and .rsp files. If False (default), flx2xsp has to be called from the user


Uses method described here:

maltpynt.sum_fspec module

Function to sum frequency spectra.


Main function called by the MPsumfspec command line script.

maltpynt.sum_fspec.sum_fspec(files, outname=None)[source]

Take a bunch of (C)PDSs and sums them.

maltpynt.version module

maltpynt.version.get_git_devstr(sha=False, show_warning=True, path=None)[source]

Determines the number of revisions in this repository.


sha : bool

If True, the full SHA1 hash will be returned. Otherwise, the total count of commits in the repository will be used as a “revision number”.

show_warning : bool

If True, issue a warning if git returns an error code, otherwise errors pass silently.

path : str or None

If a string, specifies the directory to look in to find the git repository. If None, the current working directory is used, and must be the root of the git repository. If given a filename it uses the directory containing that file.


devversion : str

Either a string with the revision number (if sha is False), the SHA1 hash of the current commit (if sha is True), or an empty string if git version info could not be identified.

maltpynt.version.update_git_devstr(version, path=None)[source]

Updates the git revision string if and only if the path is being imported directly from a git working copy. This ensures that the revision number in the version string is accurate.

Module contents

This is proposed as an Astropy affiliated package.