Source code for maltpynt.save_as_xspec

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to save data in a Xspec-readable format."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

from .io import get_file_type
import numpy as np
from .io import get_file_extension
import subprocess as sp
import logging

[docs]def save_as_xspec(fname, direct_save=False): """Save frequency spectra in a format readable to FTOOLS and Xspec. Parameters ---------- fname : str Input MaLTPyNT frequency spectrum file name direct_save : bool If True, also call `flx2xsp` to produce the output .pha and .rsp files. If False (default), flx2xsp has to be called from the user Notes ----- Uses method described here: """ ftype, contents = get_file_type(fname) outroot = fname.replace(get_file_extension(fname), '') outname = outroot + '_xsp.dat' if 'freq' in list(contents.keys()): freq = contents['freq'] pds = contents[ftype] epds = contents['e' + ftype] df = freq[1] - freq[0] np.savetxt(outname, np.transpose([freq - df / 2, freq + df / 2, pds.real * df, epds * df])) elif 'flo' in list(contents.keys()): ftype = ftype.replace('reb', '') flo = contents['flo'] fhi = contents['fhi'] pds = contents[ftype] epds = contents['e' + ftype] df = fhi - flo np.savetxt(outname, np.transpose([flo, fhi, pds.real * df, epds * df])) else: raise Exception('File type not recognized') if direct_save: sp.check_call('flx2xsp {0} {1}.pha {1}.rsp'.format( outname, outroot).split())
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MP2xspec` command line script.""" import argparse description = ('Save a frequency spectrum in a qdp file that can be ' 'read by flx2xsp and produce a XSpec-compatible spectrum' 'file') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--flx2xsp", help="Also call flx2xsp at the end", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) files = args.files if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MP2xpec.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') for f in files: save_as_xspec(f, direct_save=args.flx2xsp)