Source code for maltpynt.fspec

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to calculate frequency spectra."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

from .base import mp_root, cross_gtis, create_gti_mask
from .base import common_name, _empty, _assign_value_if_none
from .rebin import const_rebin
from .io import sort_files, get_file_type, load_lcurve, save_pds
from .io import MP_FILE_EXTENSION
import numpy as np
import logging
import warnings
from multiprocessing import Pool
import os

def _wrap_fun_cpds(arglist):
    f1, f2, outname, kwargs = arglist
        return calc_cpds(f1, f2, outname=outname, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:

def _wrap_fun_pds(argdict):
    fname = argdict["fname"]
        return calc_pds(fname, **argdict)
    except Exception as e:

[docs]def fft(lc, bintime): """A wrapper for the fft function. Just numpy for now. Parameters ---------- lc : array-like bintime : float Returns ------- freq : array-like ft : array-like the Fourier transform. """ nbin = len(lc) ft = np.fft.fft(lc) freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(nbin, bintime) return freqs.astype(np.double), ft
[docs]def leahy_pds(lc, bintime): r"""Calculate the power density spectrum. Calculates the Power Density Spectrum a la Leahy+1983, ApJ 266, 160, given the lightcurve and its bin time. Assumes no gaps are present! Beware! Parameters ---------- lc : array-like the light curve bintime : array-like the bin time of the light curve Returns ------- freqs : array-like Frequencies corresponding to PDS pds : array-like The power density spectrum """ nph = sum(lc) # Checks must be done before. At this point, only good light curves have to # be provided assert (nph > 0), 'Invalid interval. Light curve is empty' freqs, ft = fft(lc, bintime) # I'm pretty sure there is a faster way to do this. pds = np.absolute(ft.conjugate() * ft) * 2. / nph good = freqs >= 0 freqs = freqs[good] pds = pds[good] return freqs, pds
[docs]def welch_pds(time, lc, bintime, fftlen, gti=None, return_all=False): r"""Calculate the PDS, averaged over equal chunks of data. Calculates the Power Density Spectrum \'a la Leahy (1983), given the lightcurve and its bin time, over equal chunks of length fftlen, and returns the average of all PDSs, or the sum PDS and the number of chunks Parameters ---------- time : array-like Central times of light curve bins lc : array-like Light curve bintime : float Bin time of the light curve fftlen : float Length of each FFT gti : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...] Good time intervals. Defaults to [[time[0] - bintime/2, time[-1] + bintime/2]] Returns ------- return_str : object, optional An Object containing all values below. f : array-like array of frequencies corresponding to PDS bins pds : array-like the values of the PDS epds : array-like the values of the PDS npds : int the number of summed PDSs (if normalize is False) ctrate : float the average count rate in the two lcs dynpds : array-like, optional dynepds : array-like, optional dynctrate : array-like, optional times : array-like, optional Other parameters ---------------- return_all : bool if True, return everything, including the dynamical PDS """ gti = _assign_value_if_none( gti, [[time[0] - bintime / 2, time[-1] + bintime / 2]]) start_bins, stop_bins = \ decide_spectrum_lc_intervals(gti, fftlen, time) results = _empty() if return_all: results.dynpds = [] results.edynpds = [] results.dynctrate = [] results.times = [] pds = 0 npds = len(start_bins) mask = np.zeros(len(lc), dtype=np.bool) for start_bin, stop_bin in zip(start_bins, stop_bins): l = lc[start_bin:stop_bin] t0 = time[start_bin] try: assert np.sum(l) != 0, \ 'Interval starting at time %.7f is bad. Check GTIs' % t0 f, p = leahy_pds(l, bintime) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) npds -= 1 continue if return_all: results.dynpds.append(p) results.edynpds.append(p) results.dynctrate.append(np.mean(l) / bintime) results.times.append(time[start_bin]) pds += p mask[start_bin:stop_bin] = True pds /= npds epds = pds / np.sqrt(npds) ctrate = np.mean(lc[mask]) / bintime results.f = f results.pds = pds results.epds = epds results.npds = npds results.ctrate = ctrate return results
[docs]def leahy_cpds(lc1, lc2, bintime): """Calculate the cross power density spectrum. Calculates the Cross Power Density Spectrum, normalized similarly to the PDS in Leahy+1983, ApJ 266, 160., given the lightcurve and its bin time. Assumes no gaps are present! Beware! Parameters ---------- lc1 : array-like The first light curve lc2 : array-like The light curve bintime : array-like The bin time of the light curve Returns ------- freqs : array-like Frequencies corresponding to PDS cpds : array-like The cross power density spectrum cpdse : array-like The error on the cross power density spectrum pds1 : array-like The power density spectrum of the first light curve pds2 : array-like The power density spectrum of the second light curve """ assert len(lc1) == len(lc2), 'Light curves MUST have the same length!' nph1 = sum(lc1) nph2 = sum(lc2) # Checks must be done before. At this point, only good light curves have to # be provided assert (nph1 > 0 and nph2 > 0), ('Invalid interval. At least one light ' 'curve is empty') freqs, ft1 = fft(lc1, bintime) freqs, ft2 = fft(lc2, bintime) pds1 = np.absolute(ft1.conjugate() * ft1) * 2. / nph1 pds2 = np.absolute(ft2.conjugate() * ft2) * 2. / nph2 pds1e = np.copy(pds1) pds2e = np.copy(pds2) # The "effective" count rate is the geometrical mean of the count rates # of the two light curves nph = np.sqrt(nph1 * nph2) # I'm pretty sure there is a faster way to do this. if nph != 0: cpds = ft1.conjugate() * ft2 * 2. / nph else: cpds = np.zeros(len(freqs)) # Justification in timing paper! (Bachetti et al. arXiv:1409.3248) # This only works for cospectrum. For the cross spectrum, I *think* # it's irrelevant cpdse = np.sqrt(pds1e * pds2e) / np.sqrt(2.) good = freqs >= 0 freqs = freqs[good] cpds = cpds[good] cpdse = cpdse[good] return freqs, cpds, cpdse, pds1, pds2
[docs]def welch_cpds(time, lc1, lc2, bintime, fftlen, gti=None, return_all=False): """Calculate the CPDS, averaged over equal chunks of data. Calculates the Cross Power Density Spectrum normalized like PDS, given the lightcurve and its bin time, over equal chunks of length fftlen, and returns the average of all PDSs, or the sum PDS and the number of chunks Parameters ---------- time : array-like Central times of light curve bins lc1 : array-like Light curve 1 lc2 : array-like Light curve 2 bintime : float Bin time of the light curve fftlen : float Length of each FFT gti : [[g0_0, g0_1], [g1_0, g1_1], ...] Good time intervals. Defaults to [[time[0] - bintime/2, time[-1] + bintime/2]] Returns ------- return_str : object An Object containing all return values below f : array-like array of frequencies corresponding to PDS bins cpds : array-like the values of the PDS ecpds : array-like the values of the PDS ncpds : int the number of summed PDSs (if normalize is False) ctrate : float the average count rate in the two lcs dyncpds : array-like, optional dynecpds : array-like, optional dynctrate : array-like, optional times : array-like, optional Other parameters ---------------- return_all : bool if True, return everything, including the dynamical PDS """ gti = _assign_value_if_none( gti, [[time[0] - bintime / 2, time[-1] + bintime / 2]]) start_bins, stop_bins = \ decide_spectrum_lc_intervals(gti, fftlen, time) cpds = 0 ecpds = 0 npds = len(start_bins) mask = np.zeros(len(lc1), dtype=np.bool) results = _empty() if return_all: results.dyncpds = [] results.edyncpds = [] results.dynctrate = [] results.times = [] cpds = 0 ecpds = 0 npds = len(start_bins) for start_bin, stop_bin in zip(start_bins, stop_bins): l1 = lc1[start_bin:stop_bin] l2 = lc2[start_bin:stop_bin] t0 = time[start_bin] try: assert np.sum(l1) != 0 and np.sum(l2) != 0, \ 'Interval starting at time %.7f is bad. Check GTIs' % t0 f, p, pe, p1, p2 = leahy_cpds(l1, l2, bintime) except Exception as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) npds -= 1 continue cpds += p ecpds += pe ** 2 if return_all: results.dyncpds.append(p) results.edyncpds.append(pe) results.dynctrate.append( np.sqrt(np.mean(l1)*np.mean(l2)) / bintime) results.times.append(time[start_bin]) mask[start_bin:stop_bin] = True cpds /= npds ecpds = np.sqrt(ecpds) / npds ctrate = np.sqrt(np.mean(lc1[mask])*np.mean(lc2[mask])) / bintime results.f = f results.cpds = cpds results.ecpds = ecpds results.ncpds = npds results.ctrate = ctrate return results
[docs]def rms_normalize_pds(pds, pds_err, source_ctrate, back_ctrate=None): """Normalize a Leahy PDS with RMS normalization ([1]_, [2]_). Parameters ---------- pds : array-like The Leahy-normalized PDS pds_err : array-like The uncertainties on the PDS values source_ctrate : float The source count rate back_ctrate: float, optional The background count rate Returns ------- pds : array-like the RMS-normalized PDS pds_err : array-like the uncertainties on the PDS values References ---------- .. [1] Belloni & Hasinger 1990, A&A, 230, 103 .. [2] Miyamoto+1991, ApJ, 383, 784 """ back_ctrate = _assign_value_if_none(back_ctrate, 0) factor = (source_ctrate + back_ctrate) / source_ctrate ** 2 return pds * factor, pds_err * factor
[docs]def decide_spectrum_intervals(gtis, fftlen): """Decide the start times of PDSs. Start each FFT/PDS/cospectrum from the start of a GTI, and stop before the next gap. Only use for events! This will give problems with binned light curves. Parameters ---------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] fftlen : float Length of the chunks Returns ------- spectrum_start_times : array-like List of starting times to use in the spectral calculations. """ spectrum_start_times = np.array([], dtype=np.longdouble) for g in gtis: if g[1] - g[0] < fftlen:"GTI at %g--%g is Too short. Skipping." % (g[0], g[1])) continue newtimes = np.arange(g[0], g[1] - fftlen, np.longdouble(fftlen), dtype=np.longdouble) spectrum_start_times = \ np.append(spectrum_start_times, newtimes) assert len(spectrum_start_times) > 0, \ "No GTIs are equal to or longer than fftlen. " + \ "Choose shorter fftlen (MPfspec -f <fftlen> <options> <filename>)" return spectrum_start_times
[docs]def decide_spectrum_lc_intervals(gtis, fftlen, time): """Similar to decide_spectrum_intervals, but dedicated to light curves. In this case, it is necessary to specify the time array containing the times of the light curve bins. Returns start and stop bins of the intervals to use for the PDS Parameters ---------- gtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] fftlen : float Length of the chunks time : array-like Times of light curve bins """ bintime = time[1] - time[0] nbin = np.long(fftlen / bintime) spectrum_start_bins = np.array([], dtype=np.long) for g in gtis: if g[1] - g[0] < fftlen:"GTI at %g--%g is Too short. Skipping." % (g[0], g[1])) continue startbin = np.argmin(np.abs(time - g[0])) stopbin = np.argmin(np.abs(time - g[1])) newbins = np.arange(startbin, stopbin - nbin, nbin, dtype=np.long) spectrum_start_bins = \ np.append(spectrum_start_bins, newbins) assert len(spectrum_start_bins) > 0, \ "No GTIs are equal to or longer than fftlen. " + \ "Choose shorter fftlen (MPfspec -f <fftlen> <options> <filename>)" return spectrum_start_bins, spectrum_start_bins + nbin
[docs]def calc_pds(lcfile, fftlen, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, normalization='Leahy', back_ctrate=0., noclobber=False, outname=None): """Calculate the PDS from an input light curve file. Parameters ---------- lcfile : str The light curve file fftlen : float The length of the chunks over which FFTs will be calculated, in seconds Other Parameters ---------------- save_dyn : bool If True, save the dynamical power spectrum bintime : float The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed pdsrebin : int Rebin the PDS of this factor. normalization : str 'Leahy' or 'rms' back_ctrate : float The non-source count rate noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files outname : str If speficied, output file name. If not specified or None, the new file will have the same root as the input light curve and the '_pds' suffix """ root = mp_root(lcfile) outname = root + '_pds' + MP_FILE_EXTENSION if noclobber and os.path.exists(outname): print('File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') return"Loading file %s..." % lcfile) lcdata = load_lcurve(lcfile) time = lcdata['time'] mjdref = lcdata['MJDref'] try: lc = lcdata['lccorr'] except: lc = lcdata['lc'] dt = lcdata['dt'] gti = lcdata['GTI'] instr = lcdata['Instr'] tctrate = lcdata['total_ctrate'] if bintime <= dt: bintime = dt else: lcrebin = np.rint(bintime / dt) bintime = lcrebin * dt"Rebinning lc by a factor %d" % lcrebin) time, lc, dum = \ const_rebin(time, lc, lcrebin, normalize=False) results = welch_pds(time, lc, bintime, fftlen, gti, return_all=True) freq = results.f pds = results.pds epds = results.epds npds = results.npds ctrate = results.ctrate freq, pds, epds = const_rebin(freq[1:], pds[1:], pdsrebin, epds[1:]) if normalization == 'rms':'Applying %s normalization' % normalization) pds, epds = \ rms_normalize_pds(pds, epds, source_ctrate=ctrate, back_ctrate=back_ctrate) for ic, pd in enumerate(results.dynpds): ep = results.edynpds[ic].copy() ct = results.dynctrate[ic].copy() pd, ep = rms_normalize_pds(pd, ep, source_ctrate=ct, back_ctrate=back_ctrate) results.edynpds[ic][:] = ep results.dynpds[ic][:] = pd outdata = {'time': time[0], 'pds': pds, 'epds': epds, 'npds': npds, 'fftlen': fftlen, 'Instr': instr, 'freq': freq, 'rebin': pdsrebin, 'norm': normalization, 'ctrate': ctrate, 'total_ctrate': tctrate, 'back_ctrate': back_ctrate, 'MJDref': mjdref} if 'Emin' in lcdata.keys(): outdata['Emin'] = lcdata['Emin'] outdata['Emax'] = lcdata['Emax'] if 'PImin' in lcdata.keys(): outdata['PImin'] = lcdata['PImin'] outdata['PImax'] = lcdata['PImax'] logging.debug(repr(results.dynpds)) if save_dyn: outdata["dynpds"] = np.array(results.dynpds)[:, 1:] outdata["edynpds"] = np.array(results.edynpds)[:, 1:] outdata["dynctrate"] = np.array(results.dynctrate) outdata["dyntimes"] = np.array(results.times)'Saving PDS to %s' % outname) save_pds(outdata, outname)
[docs]def calc_cpds(lcfile1, lcfile2, fftlen, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, outname='cpds' + MP_FILE_EXTENSION, normalization='Leahy', back_ctrate=0., noclobber=False): """Calculate the CPDS from a pair of input light curve files. Parameters ---------- lcfile1 : str The first light curve file lcfile2 : str The second light curve file fftlen : float The length of the chunks over which FFTs will be calculated, in seconds Other Parameters ---------------- save_dyn : bool If True, save the dynamical power spectrum bintime : float The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed pdsrebin : int Rebin the PDS of this factor. normalization : str 'Leahy' or 'rms'. Default 'Leahy' back_ctrate : float The non-source count rate noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files outname : str Output file name for the cpds. Default: cpds.[nc|p] """ if noclobber and os.path.exists(outname): print('File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') return"Loading file %s..." % lcfile1) lcdata1 = load_lcurve(lcfile1)"Loading file %s..." % lcfile2) lcdata2 = load_lcurve(lcfile2) time1 = lcdata1['time'] try: lc1 = lcdata1['lccorr'] except: lc1 = lcdata1['lc'] dt1 = lcdata1['dt'] gti1 = lcdata1['GTI'] instr1 = lcdata1['Instr'] tctrate1 = lcdata1['total_ctrate'] mjdref = lcdata1['MJDref'] time2 = lcdata2['time'] try: lc2 = lcdata2['lccorr'] except: lc2 = lcdata2['lc'] dt2 = lcdata2['dt'] gti2 = lcdata2['GTI'] instr2 = lcdata2['Instr'] tctrate2 = lcdata2['total_ctrate'] tctrate = np.sqrt(tctrate1 * tctrate2) assert instr1 != instr2, ('Did you check the ordering of files? ' 'These are both ' + instr1) assert dt1 == dt2, 'Light curves are sampled differently' dt = dt1 if bintime <= dt: bintime = dt else: lcrebin = np.rint(bintime / dt) dt = bintime"Rebinning lcs by a factor %d" % lcrebin) time1, lc1, dum = \ const_rebin(time1, lc1, lcrebin, normalize=False) time2, lc2, dum = \ const_rebin(time2, lc2, lcrebin, normalize=False) gti = cross_gtis([gti1, gti2]) mask1 = create_gti_mask(time1, gti) mask2 = create_gti_mask(time2, gti) time1 = time1[mask1] time2 = time2[mask2] assert np.all(time1 == time2), "Something's not right in GTI filtering" time = time1 del time2 lc1 = lc1[mask1] lc2 = lc2[mask2] results = welch_cpds(time, lc1, lc2, bintime, fftlen, gti, return_all=True) freq = results.f cpds = results.cpds ecpds = results.ecpds ncpds = results.ncpds ctrate = results.ctrate freq, cpds, ecpds = const_rebin(freq[1:], cpds[1:], pdsrebin, ecpds[1:]) if normalization == 'rms':'Applying %s normalization' % normalization) cpds, ecpds = \ rms_normalize_pds(cpds, ecpds, source_ctrate=ctrate, back_ctrate=back_ctrate) for ic, cp in enumerate(results.dyncpds): ec = results.edyncpds[ic].copy() ct = results.dynctrate[ic].copy() cp, ec = rms_normalize_pds(cp, ec, source_ctrate=ct, back_ctrate=back_ctrate) results.edyncpds[ic][:] = ec results.dyncpds[ic][:] = cp outdata = {'time': gti[0][0], 'cpds': cpds, 'ecpds': ecpds, 'ncpds': ncpds, 'fftlen': fftlen, 'Instrs': instr1 + ',' + instr2, 'freq': freq, 'rebin': pdsrebin, 'norm': normalization, 'ctrate': ctrate, 'total_ctrate': tctrate, 'back_ctrate': back_ctrate, 'MJDref': mjdref} if 'Emin' in lcdata1.keys(): outdata['Emin1'] = lcdata1['Emin'] outdata['Emax1'] = lcdata1['Emax'] if 'Emin' in lcdata2.keys(): outdata['Emin2'] = lcdata2['Emin'] outdata['Emax2'] = lcdata2['Emax'] if 'PImin' in lcdata1.keys(): outdata['PImin1'] = lcdata1['PImin'] outdata['PImax1'] = lcdata1['PImax'] if 'PImin' in lcdata2.keys(): outdata['PImin2'] = lcdata2['PImin'] outdata['PImax2'] = lcdata2['PImax'] logging.debug(repr(results.dyncpds)) if save_dyn: outdata["dyncpds"] = np.array(results.dyncpds)[:, 1:] outdata["edyncpds"] = np.array(results.edyncpds)[:, 1:] outdata["dynctrate"] = np.array(results.dynctrate) outdata["dyntimes"] = np.array(results.times)'Saving CPDS to %s' % outname) save_pds(outdata, outname)
[docs]def calc_fspec(files, fftlen, do_calc_pds=True, do_calc_cpds=True, do_calc_cospectrum=True, do_calc_lags=True, save_dyn=False, bintime=1, pdsrebin=1, outroot=None, normalization='Leahy', nproc=1, back_ctrate=0., noclobber=False): r"""Calculate the frequency spectra: the PDS, the cospectrum, ... Parameters ---------- files : list of str List of input file names fftlen : float length of chunks to perform the FFT on. Other Parameters ---------------- save_dyn : bool If True, save the dynamical power spectrum bintime : float The bin time. If different from that of the light curve, a rebinning is performed pdsrebin : int Rebin the PDS of this factor. normalization : str 'Leahy' [3] or 'rms' [4] [5]. Default 'Leahy'. back_ctrate : float The non-source count rate noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files outroot : str Output file name root nproc : int Number of processors to use to parallelize the processing of multiple files References ---------- [3] Leahy et al. 1983, ApJ, 266, 160. [4] Belloni & Hasinger 1990, A&A, 230, 103 [5] Miyamoto et al. 1991, ApJ, 383, 784 """ if normalization not in ['Leahy', 'rms']: logging.warning('Beware! Unknown normalization!') normalization = 'Leahy''Using %s normalization' % normalization) if do_calc_pds: wrapped_file_dicts = [] for f in files: wfd = {"fftlen": fftlen, "save_dyn": save_dyn, "bintime": bintime, "pdsrebin": pdsrebin, "normalization": normalization, "back_ctrate": back_ctrate, "noclobber": noclobber} wfd["fname"] = f wrapped_file_dicts.append(wfd) if == 'nt' or nproc == 1: [_wrap_fun_pds(w) for w in wrapped_file_dicts] else: pool = Pool(processes=nproc) for i in pool.imap_unordered(_wrap_fun_pds, wrapped_file_dicts): pass pool.close() if not do_calc_cpds or len(files) < 2: return'Sorting file list') sorted_files = sort_files(files) logging.warning('Beware! For cpds and derivatives, I assume that the' 'files are from only two instruments and in pairs' '(even in random order)') instrs = list(sorted_files.keys()) files1 = sorted_files[instrs[0]] files2 = sorted_files[instrs[1]] assert len(files1) == len(files2), 'An even number of files is needed' argdict = {"fftlen": fftlen, "save_dyn": save_dyn, "bintime": bintime, "pdsrebin": pdsrebin, "normalization": normalization, "back_ctrate": back_ctrate, "noclobber": noclobber} funcargs = [] for i_f, f in enumerate(files1): f1, f2 = f, files2[i_f] outdir = os.path.dirname(f1) if outdir == '': outdir = os.getcwd() outr = _assign_value_if_none( outroot, common_name(f1, f2, default='%d' % i_f)) outname = os.path.join(outdir, outr.replace(MP_FILE_EXTENSION, '') + '_cpds' + MP_FILE_EXTENSION) funcargs.append([f1, f2, outname, argdict]) if == 'nt' or nproc == 1: [_wrap_fun_cpds(fa) for fa in funcargs] else: pool = Pool(processes=nproc) for i in pool.imap_unordered(_wrap_fun_cpds, funcargs): pass pool.close()
[docs]def read_fspec(fname): """Read the frequency spectrum from a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str The input file name Returns ------- ftype : str File type freq : array-like Frequency array fspec : array-like Frequency spectrum array efspec : array-like Errors on spectral bins nchunks : int Number of spectra that have been summed to obtain fspec rebin : array-like or int Rebin factor in each bin. Might be irregular in case of geometrical binning """ ftype, contents = get_file_type(fname) if 'freq' in list(contents.keys()): freq = contents['freq'] elif 'flo' in list(contents.keys()): flo = contents['flo'] fhi = contents['fhi'] freq = [flo, fhi] ft = ftype.replace('reb', '') pds = contents[ft] epds = contents['e' + ft] nchunks = contents['n' + ft] rebin = contents['rebin'] return ftype, freq, pds, epds, nchunks, rebin, contents
def _normalize(array, ref=0): m = ref std = np.std(array) newarr = np.zeros_like(array) good = array > m newarr[good] = (array[good] - ref) / std return newarr
[docs]def dumpdyn(fname, plot=False): """Dump a dynamical frequency spectrum in text files. Parameters ---------- fname : str The file name Other Parameters ---------------- plot : bool if True, plot the spectrum """ ftype, pdsdata = get_file_type(fname, specify_reb=False) dynpds = pdsdata['dyn' + ftype] edynpds = pdsdata['edyn' + ftype] try: freq = pdsdata['freq'] except: flo = pdsdata['flo'] fhi = pdsdata['fhi'] freq = (fhi + flo) / 2 time = pdsdata['dyntimes'] freqs = np.zeros_like(dynpds) times = np.zeros_like(dynpds) for i, im in enumerate(dynpds): freqs[i, :] = freq times[i, :] = time[i] t = times.real.flatten() f = freqs.real.flatten() d = dynpds.real.flatten() e = edynpds.real.flatten() np.savetxt('{0}_dumped_{1}.txt'.format(mp_root(fname), ftype), np.array([t, f, d, e]).T) size = _normalize(d) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.scatter(t, f, s=size) plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.ylabel('Freq (Hz)')
[docs]def dumpdyn_main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPdumpdyn` command line script.""" import argparse description = ('Dump dynamical (cross) power spectra') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help=("List of files in any valid MaLTPyNT " "format for PDS or CPDS"), nargs='+') parser.add_argument("--noplot", help="plot results", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) fnames = args.files for f in fnames: dumpdyn(f, plot=not args.noplot)
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPfspec` command line script.""" import argparse description = ('Create frequency spectra (PDS, CPDS, cospectrum) ' 'starting from well-defined input ligthcurves') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of light curve files", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("-b", "--bintime", type=float, default=1/4096, help="Light curve bin time; if negative, interpreted" + " as negative power of 2." + " Default: 2^-10, or keep input lc bin time" + " (whatever is larger)") parser.add_argument("-r", "--rebin", type=int, default=1, help="(C)PDS rebinning to apply. Default: none") parser.add_argument("-f", "--fftlen", type=float, default=512, help="Length of FFTs. Default: 512 s") parser.add_argument("-k", "--kind", type=str, default="PDS,CPDS,cos", help='Spectra to calculate, as comma-separated list' + ' (Accepted: PDS and CPDS;' + ' Default: "PDS,CPDS")') parser.add_argument("--norm", type=str, default="Leahy", help='Normalization to use' + ' (Accepted: Leahy and rms;' + ' Default: "Leahy")') parser.add_argument("--noclobber", help="Do not overwrite existing files", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("-o", "--outroot", type=str, default=None, help='Root of output file names for CPDS only') parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--nproc", help=("Number of processors to use"), default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument("--back", help=("Estimated background (non-source) count rate"), default=0., type=float) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--save-dyn", help="save dynamical power spectrum", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MPfspec.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') bintime = args.bintime fftlen = args.fftlen pdsrebin = args.rebin normalization = args.norm do_cpds = do_pds = do_cos = do_lag = False kinds = args.kind.split(',') for k in kinds: if k == 'PDS': do_pds = True elif k == 'CPDS': do_cpds = True elif k == 'cos' or k == 'cospectrum': do_cos = True do_cpds = True elif k == 'lag': do_lag = True do_cpds = True calc_fspec(args.files, fftlen, do_calc_pds=do_pds, do_calc_cpds=do_cpds, do_calc_cospectrum=do_cos, do_calc_lags=do_lag, save_dyn=args.save_dyn, bintime=bintime, pdsrebin=pdsrebin, outroot=args.outroot, normalization=normalization, nproc=args.nproc, back_ctrate=args.back, noclobber=args.noclobber)