Source code for maltpynt.lcurve

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Light curve-related functions."""

from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import numpy as np
from .base import mp_root, create_gti_mask, cross_gtis, mkdir_p
from .base import contiguous_regions, calc_countrate, gti_len
from .base import _assign_value_if_none, _look_for_array_in_array
from .io import load_events, load_lcurve, save_lcurve
from .io import MP_FILE_EXTENSION, high_precision_keyword_read
import os
import logging
import warnings

[docs]def lcurve(event_list, bin_time, start_time=None, stop_time=None, centertime=True): """From a list of event times, estract a lightcurve. Parameters ---------- event_list : array-like Times of arrival of events bin_time : float Binning time of the light curve Returns ------- time : array-like The time bins of the light curve lc : array-like The light curve Other Parameters ---------------- start_time : float Initial time of the light curve stop_time : float Stop time of the light curve centertime: bool If False, time is the start of the bin. Otherwise, the center """ start_time = _assign_value_if_none(start_time, np.floor(event_list[0])) stop_time = _assign_value_if_none(stop_time, np.floor(event_list[-1])) logging.debug("lcurve: Time limits: %g -- %g" % (start_time, stop_time)) new_event_list = event_list[event_list >= start_time] new_event_list = new_event_list[new_event_list <= stop_time] # To compute the histogram, the times array must specify the bin edges. # therefore, if nbin is the length of the lightcurve, times will have # nbin + 1 elements new_event_list = ((new_event_list - start_time) / bin_time).astype(int) times = np.arange(start_time, stop_time, bin_time) lc = np.bincount(new_event_list, minlength=len(times)) logging.debug("lcurve: Length of the lightcurve: %g" % len(times)) logging.debug("Times, kind: %s, %s" % (repr(times), type(times[0]))) logging.debug("Lc, kind: %s, %s" % (repr(lc), type(lc[0]))) logging.debug("bin_time, kind: %s, %s" % (repr(bin_time), type(bin_time))) if centertime: times = times + bin_time / 2. return times, lc.astype(np.float)
[docs]def join_lightcurves(lcfilelist, outfile='out_lc' + MP_FILE_EXTENSION): """Join light curves from different files. Light curves from different instruments are put in different channels. Parameters ---------- lcfilelist : outfile : See Also -------- scrunch_lightcurves : Create a single light curve from input light curves. """ lcdatas = [] for lfc in lcfilelist:"Loading file %s..." % lfc) lcdata = load_lcurve(lfc)"Done.") lcdatas.append(lcdata) del lcdata # --------------- Check consistency of data -------------- lcdts = [lcdata['dt'] for lcdata in lcdatas] # Find unique elements. If multiple bin times are used, throw an exception lcdts = list(set(lcdts)) assert len(lcdts) == 1, 'Light curves must have same dt for scrunching' instrs = [lcdata['Instr'] for lcdata in lcdatas] # Find unique elements. A lightcurve will be produced for each instrument instrs = list(set(instrs)) outlcs = {} times = {} lcs = {} gtis = {} for instr in instrs: outlcs[instr] = {'dt': lcdts[0], 'Tstart': 1e32, 'Tstop': -11, 'MJDref': lcdatas[0]['MJDref'], 'source_ctrate': 0, 'total_ctrate': 0} times[instr] = [] lcs[instr] = [] gtis[instr] = [] # ------------------------------------------------------- for lcdata in lcdatas: instr = lcdata['Instr'] tstart = lcdata['Tstart'] tstop = lcdata['Tstop'] if tstart < outlcs[instr]['Tstart']: outlcs[instr]['Tstart'] = tstart if tstop > outlcs[instr]['Tstop']: outlcs[instr]['Tstop'] = tstop time = lcdata['time'] lc = lcdata['lc'] gti = lcdata['GTI'] times[instr].extend(time) lcs[instr].extend(lc) gtis[instr].extend(gti) goodlen = gti_len(gti) outlcs[instr]['source_ctrate'] += lcdata['source_ctrate'] * goodlen outlcs[instr]['total_ctrate'] += lcdata['total_ctrate'] * goodlen for instr in instrs: gti = np.array(gtis[instr]) outlcs[instr]['time'] = np.array(times[instr]) outlcs[instr]['lc'] = np.array(lcs[instr]) outlcs[instr]['GTI'] = gti outlcs[instr]['Instr'] = instr goodlen = gti_len(gti) outlcs[instr]['source_ctrate'] /= goodlen outlcs[instr]['total_ctrate'] /= goodlen if outfile is not None: for instr in instrs: if len(instrs) == 1: tag = "" else: tag = instr'Saving joined light curve to %s' % outfile) dname, fname = os.path.split(outfile) save_lcurve(outlcs[instr], os.path.join(dname, tag + fname)) return outlcs
[docs]def scrunch_lightcurves(lcfilelist, outfile='out_scrlc'+MP_FILE_EXTENSION, save_joint=False): """Create a single light curve from input light curves. Light curves are appended when they cover different times, and summed when they fall in the same time range. This is done regardless of the channel or the instrument. Parameters ---------- lcfilelist : list of str The list of light curve files to scrunch Returns ------- time : array-like The time array lc : The new light curve gti : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] Good Time Intervals Other Parameters ---------------- outfile : str The output file name save_joint : bool If True, save the per-channel joint light curves See Also -------- join_lightcurves : Join light curves from different files """ if save_joint: lcdata = join_lightcurves(lcfilelist) else: lcdata = join_lightcurves(lcfilelist, outfile=None) instrs = list(lcdata.keys()) gti_lists = [lcdata[inst]['GTI'] for inst in instrs] gti = cross_gtis(gti_lists) # Determine limits time0 = lcdata[instrs[0]]['time'] mask = create_gti_mask(time0, gti) time0 = time0[mask] lc0 = lcdata[instrs[0]]['lc'] lc0 = lc0[mask] for inst in instrs[1:]: time1 = lcdata[inst]['time'] mask = create_gti_mask(time1, gti) time1 = time1[mask] assert np.all(time0 == time1), \ 'Something is not right with gti filtering' lc = lcdata[inst]['lc'] lc0 += lc[mask] out = lcdata[instrs[0]].copy() out['lc'] = lc0 out['time'] = time0 out['dt'] = lcdata[instrs[0]]['dt'] out['GTI'] = gti out['Instr'] = ",".join(instrs) out['source_ctrate'] = np.sum([lcdata[i]['source_ctrate'] for i in instrs]) out['total_ctrate'] = np.sum([lcdata[i]['total_ctrate'] for i in instrs])'Saving scrunched light curve to %s' % outfile) save_lcurve(out, outfile) return time0, lc0, gti
[docs]def filter_lc_gtis(time, lc, gti, safe_interval=None, delete=False, min_length=0, return_borders=False): """Filter a light curve for GTIs. Parameters ---------- time : array-like The time bins of the light curve lc : array-like The light curve gti : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] Good Time Intervals Returns ------- time : array-like The time bins of the light curve lc : array-like The output light curve newgtis : [[gti0_0, gti0_1], [gti1_0, gti1_1], ...] The output Good Time Intervals borders : [[i0_0, i0_1], [i1_0, i1_1], ...], optional The indexes of the light curve corresponding to the borders of the GTIs. Returned if return_borders is set to True Other Parameters ---------------- safe_interval : float or [float, float] Seconds to filter out at the start and end of each GTI. If single float, these safe windows are equal, otherwise the two numbers refer to the start and end of the GTI respectively delete : bool If delete is True, the intervals outside of GTIs are filtered out from the light curve. Otherwise, they are set to zero. min_length : float Minimum length of GTI. GTIs below this length will be removed. return_borders : bool If True, return also the indexes of the light curve corresponding to the borders of the GTIs """ mask, newgtis = create_gti_mask(time, gti, return_new_gtis=True, safe_interval=safe_interval, min_length=min_length) nomask = np.logical_not(mask) if delete: time = time[mask] lc = lc[mask] else: lc[nomask] = 0 if return_borders: mask = create_gti_mask(time, newgtis) borders = contiguous_regions(mask) return time, lc, newgtis, borders else: return time, lc, newgtis
[docs]def lcurve_from_events(f, safe_interval=0, pi_interval=None, e_interval=None, min_length=0, gti_split=False, ignore_gtis=False, bintime=1., outdir=None, outfile=None, noclobber=False): """Bin an event list in a light curve. Parameters ---------- f : str Input event file name bintime : float The bin time of the output light curve Returns ------- outfiles : list List of output light curves Other Parameters ---------------- safe_interval : float or [float, float] Seconds to filter out at the start and end of each GTI. If single float, these safe windows are equal, otherwise the two numbers refer to the start and end of the GTI respectively pi_interval : [int, int] PI channel interval to select. Default None, meaning that all PI channels are used e_interval : [float, float] Energy interval to select (only works if event list is calibrated with `calibrate`). Default None min_length : float GTIs below this length will be filtered out gti_split : bool If True, create one light curve for each good time interval ignore_gtis : bool Ignore good time intervals, and get a single light curve that includes possible gaps outdir : str Output directory outfile : str Output file noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files """"Loading file %s..." % f) evdata = load_events(f)"Done.") if bintime < 0: bintime = 2 ** (bintime) bintime = np.longdouble(bintime) tag = '' out = {} tstart = evdata['Tstart'] tstop = evdata['Tstop'] events = evdata['time'] instr = evdata['Instr'] mjdref = evdata['MJDref'] if instr == 'PCA': pcus = evdata['PCU'] gtis = evdata['GTI'] if ignore_gtis: gtis = np.array([[tstart, tstop]]) out['MJDref'] = mjdref # make tstart and tstop multiples of bin times since MJDref tstart = np.ceil(tstart / bintime, dtype=np.longdouble) * bintime tstop = np.floor(tstop / bintime, dtype=np.longdouble) * bintime # First of all, calculate total count rate (no filtering applied) tot_time, tot_lc = lcurve(events, bintime, start_time=tstart, stop_time=tstop) tot_time, tot_lc, newgtis, tot_borders = \ filter_lc_gtis(tot_time, tot_lc, gtis, safe_interval=safe_interval, delete=False, min_length=min_length, return_borders=True) out['total_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(tot_time, tot_lc, bintime=bintime) # Then, apply filters if pi_interval is not None and np.all(np.array(pi_interval) > 0): pis = evdata['PI'] good = np.logical_and(pis > pi_interval[0], pis <= pi_interval[1]) events = events[good] tag = '_PI%g-%g' % (pi_interval[0], pi_interval[1]) out['PImin'] = e_interval[0] out['PImax'] = e_interval[0] elif e_interval is not None and np.all(np.array(e_interval) > 0): try: es = evdata['E'] except: raise \ ValueError("No energy information is present in the file." + " Did you run MPcalibrate?") good = np.logical_and(es > e_interval[0], es <= e_interval[1]) events = events[good] tag = '_E%g-%g' % (e_interval[0], e_interval[1]) out['Emin'] = e_interval[0] out['Emax'] = e_interval[1] # Assign default value if None outfile = _assign_value_if_none(outfile, mp_root(f) + tag + '_lc') # Take out extension from name, if present, then give extension. This # avoids multiple extensions outfile = outfile.replace(MP_FILE_EXTENSION, '') + MP_FILE_EXTENSION outdir = _assign_value_if_none( outdir, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(f))) _, outfile = os.path.split(outfile) mkdir_p(outdir) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) if noclobber and os.path.exists(outfile): warnings.warn('File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') return [outfile] time, lc = lcurve(events, bintime, start_time=tstart, stop_time=tstop) time, lc, newgtis, borders = \ filter_lc_gtis(time, lc, gtis, safe_interval=safe_interval, delete=False, min_length=min_length, return_borders=True) if len(newgtis) == 0: warnings.warn( "No GTIs above min_length ({0}s) found.".format(min_length)) return assert np.all(borders == tot_borders), \ 'Borders do not coincide: {0} {1}'.format(borders, tot_borders) out['source_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time, lc, gtis=newgtis, bintime=bintime) if gti_split: outfiles = [] logging.debug(borders) for ib, b in enumerate(borders): local_tag = tag + '_gti%d' % ib outf = mp_root(outfile) + local_tag + '_lc' + MP_FILE_EXTENSION if noclobber and os.path.exists(outf): warnings.warn( 'File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') outfiles.append(outf) logging.debug(b) local_out = out.copy() local_out['lc'] = lc[b[0]:b[1]] local_out['time'] = time[b[0]:b[1]] local_out['dt'] = bintime local_gti = np.array([[time[b[0]], time[b[1]-1]]]) local_out['GTI'] = local_gti local_out['Tstart'] = time[b[0]] local_out['Tstop'] = time[b[1]-1] local_out['Instr'] = instr local_out['source_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time[b[0]:b[1]], lc[b[0]:b[1]], bintime=bintime) local_out['total_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(tot_time[b[0]:b[1]], tot_lc[b[0]:b[1]], bintime=bintime) if instr == 'PCA': local_out['nPCUs'] = len(set(pcus))'Saving light curve to %s' % outf) save_lcurve(local_out, outf) outfiles.append(outf) else: out['lc'] = lc out['time'] = time out['dt'] = bintime out['GTI'] = newgtis out['Tstart'] = tstart out['Tstop'] = tstop out['Instr'] = instr if instr == 'PCA': out['nPCUs'] = len(set(pcus))'Saving light curve to %s' % outfile) save_lcurve(out, outfile) outfiles = [outfile] # For consistency in return value return outfiles
[docs]def lcurve_from_fits(fits_file, gtistring='GTI', timecolumn='TIME', ratecolumn=None, ratehdu=1, fracexp_limit=0.9, outfile=None, noclobber=False, outdir=None): """ Load a lightcurve from a fits file and save it in MaLTPyNT format. .. note :: FITS light curve handling is still under testing. Absolute times might be incorrect depending on the light curve format. Parameters ---------- fits_file : str File name of the input light curve in FITS format Returns ------- outfile : [str] Returned as a list with a single element for consistency with `lcurve_from_events` Other Parameters ---------------- gtistring : str Name of the GTI extension in the FITS file timecolumn : str Name of the column containing times in the FITS file ratecolumn : str Name of the column containing rates in the FITS file ratehdu : str or int Name or index of the FITS extension containing the light curve fracexp_limit : float Minimum exposure fraction allowed outfile : str Output file name noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files """ logging.warning( """WARNING! FITS light curve handling is still under testing. Absolute times might be incorrect.""") # TODO: # treat consistently TDB, UTC, TAI, etc. This requires some documentation # reading. For now, we assume TDB from import fits as pf from astropy.time import Time import numpy as np from .base import create_gti_from_condition outfile = _assign_value_if_none(outfile, mp_root(fits_file) + '_lc') outfile = outfile.replace(MP_FILE_EXTENSION, '') + MP_FILE_EXTENSION outdir = _assign_value_if_none( outdir, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fits_file))) _, outfile = os.path.split(outfile) mkdir_p(outdir) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) if noclobber and os.path.exists(outfile): warnings.warn('File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') return [outfile] lchdulist = lctable = lchdulist[ratehdu].data # Units of header keywords tunit = lchdulist[ratehdu].header['TIMEUNIT'] try: mjdref = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, 'MJDREF') mjdref = Time(mjdref, scale='tdb', format='mjd') except: mjdref = None try: instr = lchdulist[ratehdu].header['INSTRUME'] except: instr = 'EXTERN' # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Trying to comply with all different formats of fits light curves. # It's a madness... try: tstart = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, 'TSTART') tstop = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, 'TSTOP') except: raise(Exception('TSTART and TSTOP need to be specified')) # For nulccorr lcs this whould work try: timezero = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, 'TIMEZERO') # Sometimes timezero is "from tstart", sometimes it's an absolute time. # This tries to detect which case is this, and always consider it # referred to tstart except: timezero = 0 # for lcurve light curves this should instead work if tunit == 'd': # TODO: # Check this. For now, I assume TD (JD - 2440000.5). # This is likely wrong timezero = Time(2440000.5 + timezero, scale='tdb', format='jd') tstart = Time(2440000.5 + tstart, scale='tdb', format='jd') tstop = Time(2440000.5 + tstop, scale='tdb', format='jd') # if None, use NuSTAR defaulf MJDREF mjdref = _assign_value_if_none( mjdref, Time(np.longdouble('55197.00076601852'), scale='tdb', format='mjd')) timezero = (timezero - mjdref).to('s').value tstart = (tstart - mjdref).to('s').value tstop = (tstop - mjdref).to('s').value if timezero > tstart: timezero -= tstart time = np.array(lctable.field(timecolumn), dtype=np.longdouble) if time[-1] < tstart: time += timezero + tstart else: time += timezero try: dt = high_precision_keyword_read(lchdulist[ratehdu].header, 'TIMEDEL') if tunit == 'd': dt *= 86400 except: warnings.warn('Assuming that TIMEDEL is the difference between the' ' first two times of the light curve') dt = time[1] - time[0] # ---------------------------------------------------------------- ratecolumn = _assign_value_if_none( ratecolumn, _look_for_array_in_array(['RATE', 'RATE1', 'COUNTS'], lctable.names)) rate = np.array(lctable.field(ratecolumn), dtype=np.float) try: rate_e = np.array(lctable.field('ERROR'), dtype=np.longdouble) except: rate_e = np.zeros_like(rate) if 'RATE' in ratecolumn: rate *= dt rate_e *= dt try: fracexp = np.array(lctable.field('FRACEXP'), dtype=np.longdouble) except: fracexp = np.ones_like(rate) good_intervals = np.logical_and(fracexp >= fracexp_limit, fracexp <= 1) good_intervals = (rate == rate) * (fracexp >= fracexp_limit) * \ (fracexp <= 1) rate[good_intervals] /= fracexp[good_intervals] rate_e[good_intervals] /= fracexp[good_intervals] rate[np.logical_not(good_intervals)] = 0 try: gtitable = lchdulist[gtistring].data gti_list = np.array([[a, b] for a, b in zip(gtitable.field('START'), gtitable.field('STOP'))], dtype=np.longdouble) except: gti_list = create_gti_from_condition(time, good_intervals) lchdulist.close() out = {} out['lc'] = rate out['elc'] = rate_e out['time'] = time out['dt'] = dt out['GTI'] = gti_list out['Tstart'] = tstart out['Tstop'] = tstop out['Instr'] = instr out['MJDref'] = mjdref.value out['total_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time, rate, gtis=gti_list, bintime=dt) out['source_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time, rate, gtis=gti_list, bintime=dt)'Saving light curve to %s' % outfile) save_lcurve(out, outfile) return [outfile]
[docs]def lcurve_from_txt(txt_file, outfile=None, noclobber=False, outdir=None): """ Load a lightcurve from a text file. Parameters ---------- txt_file : str File name of the input light curve in text format. Assumes two columns: time, counts. Times are seconds from MJDREF 55197.00076601852 (NuSTAR). Returns ------- outfile : [str] Returned as a list with a single element for consistency with `lcurve_from_events` Other Parameters ---------------- outfile : str Output file name noclobber : bool If True, do not overwrite existing files """ import numpy as np outfile = _assign_value_if_none(outfile, mp_root(txt_file) + '_lc') outfile = outfile.replace(MP_FILE_EXTENSION, '') + MP_FILE_EXTENSION outdir = _assign_value_if_none( outdir, os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(txt_file))) _, outfile = os.path.split(outfile) mkdir_p(outdir) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) if noclobber and os.path.exists(outfile): warnings.warn('File exists, and noclobber option used. Skipping') return [outfile] time, lc = np.genfromtxt(txt_file, delimiter=' ', unpack=True) time = np.array(time, dtype=np.longdouble) lc = np.array(lc, dtype=np.float) dt = time[1] - time[0] out = {} out['lc'] = lc out['time'] = time out['dt'] = dt gtis = np.array([[time[0] - dt / 2, time[-1] + dt / 2]]) out['GTI'] = gtis out['Tstart'] = time[0] - dt / 2 out['Tstop'] = time[-1] + dt / 2 out['Instr'] = 'EXTERN' out['MJDref'] = np.longdouble('55197.00076601852') out['total_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time, lc, gtis=gtis, bintime=dt) out['source_ctrate'] = calc_countrate(time, lc, gtis=gtis, bintime=dt)'Saving light curve to %s' % outfile) save_lcurve(out, outfile) return [outfile]
def _wrap_lc(args): f, kwargs = args try: return lcurve_from_events(f, **kwargs) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("MPlcurve exception: {0}".format(str(e))) return [] def _wrap_txt(args): f, kwargs = args try: return lcurve_from_txt(f, **kwargs) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("MPlcurve exception: {0}".format(str(e))) return [] def _wrap_fits(args): f, kwargs = args try: return lcurve_from_fits(f, **kwargs) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("MPlcurve exception: {0}".format(str(e)))
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPlcurve` command line script.""" import argparse from multiprocessing import Pool description = ('Create lightcurves starting from event files. It is ' 'possible to specify energy or channel filtering options') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("-b", "--bintime", type=float, default=1, help="Bin time; if negative, negative power of 2") parser.add_argument("--safe-interval", nargs=2, type=float, default=[0, 0], help="Interval at start and stop of GTIs used" + " for filtering") parser.add_argument("--pi-interval", type=int, default=[-1, -1], nargs=2, help="PI interval used for filtering") parser.add_argument('-e', "--e-interval", type=float, default=[-1, -1], nargs=2, help="Energy interval used for filtering") parser.add_argument("-s", "--scrunch", help="Create scrunched light curve (single channel)", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-j", "--join", help="Create joint light curve (multiple channels)", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-g", "--gti-split", help="Split light curve by GTI", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--minlen", help="Minimum length of acceptable GTIs (default:4)", default=4, type=float) parser.add_argument("--ignore-gtis", help="Ignore GTIs", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-d", "--outdir", type=str, default=None, help='Output directory') parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", type=str, default=None, help='Output file name') parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--nproc", help=("Number of processors to use"), default=1, type=int) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--noclobber", help="Do not overwrite existing files", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--fits-input", help="Input files are light curves in FITS format", default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_argument("--txt-input", help="Input files are light curves in txt format", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' bintime = args.bintime numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MPlcurve.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') safe_interval = args.safe_interval pi_interval = np.array(args.pi_interval) e_interval = np.array(args.e_interval) # ------ Use functools.partial to wrap lcurve* with relevant keywords--- if args.fits_input: wrap_fun = _wrap_fits argdict = {"noclobber": args.noclobber} elif args.txt_input: wrap_fun = _wrap_txt argdict = {"noclobber": args.noclobber} else: wrap_fun = _wrap_lc argdict = {"noclobber": args.noclobber, "safe_interval": safe_interval, "pi_interval": pi_interval, "e_interval": e_interval, "min_length": args.minlen, "gti_split": args.gti_split, "ignore_gtis": args.ignore_gtis, "bintime": bintime, "outdir": args.outdir} arglist = [[f, argdict.copy()] for f in args.files] na = len(arglist) outfile = args.outfile if outfile is not None: outname = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] for i in range(na): if na > 1: outname = outfile + "_{0}".format(i) arglist[i][1]['outfile'] = outname # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- outfiles = [] if == 'nt' or args.nproc == 1: for a in arglist: outfiles.append(wrap_fun(a)) else: pool = Pool(processes=args.nproc) for i in pool.imap_unordered(wrap_fun, arglist): outfiles.append(i) pool.close() logging.debug(outfiles) if args.scrunch: scrunch_lightcurves(outfiles) if args.join: join_lightcurves(outfiles)
[docs]def scrunch_main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPscrunchlc` command line script.""" import argparse description = \ 'Sum lightcurves from different instruments or energy ranges' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of files", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", type=str, default="out_scrlc" + MP_FILE_EXTENSION, help='Output file') parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) files = args.files if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MPscrunchlc.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') scrunch_lightcurves(files, args.out)