Source code for maltpynt.rebin

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Functions to rebin light curves and frequency spectra."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals, division,

import numpy as np
from .io import get_file_type
from .io import save_data
from .io import MP_FILE_EXTENSION, get_file_extension
from .base import _empty, _assign_value_if_none
import logging

[docs]def const_rebin(x, y, factor, yerr=None, normalize=True): """Rebin any pair of variables. Might be time and counts, or freq and pds. Also possible to rebin the error on y. Parameters ---------- x : array-like y : array-like factor : int Rebin factor yerr : array-like, optional Uncertainties of y values (it is assumed that the y are normally distributed) Returns ------- new_x : array-like The rebinned x array new_y : array-like The rebinned y array new_err : array-like The rebinned yerr array Other Parameters ---------------- normalize : bool """ arr_dtype = y.dtype if factor <= 1: res = [x, y] if yerr is not None: res.append(yerr) else: res.append(np.zeros(len(y), dtype=arr_dtype)) return res factor = np.long(factor) nbin = len(y) new_nbins = / factor) y_resh = np.reshape(y[:new_nbins * factor], (new_nbins, factor)) x_resh = np.reshape(x[:new_nbins * factor], (new_nbins, factor)) new_y = np.sum(y_resh, axis=1) new_x = np.sum(x_resh, axis=1) / factor if yerr is not None: yerr_resh = np.reshape(yerr[:new_nbins * factor], (new_nbins, factor)) new_yerr = np.sum(yerr_resh ** 2, axis=1) else: new_yerr = np.zeros(len(new_x), dtype=arr_dtype) if normalize: return new_x, new_y / factor, np.sqrt(new_yerr) / factor else: return new_x, new_y, np.sqrt(new_yerr)
[docs]def geom_bin(freq, pds, bin_factor=None, pds_err=None, npds=None): """Given a PDS, bin it geometrically. Parameters ---------- freq : array-like pds : array-like bin_factor : float > 1 pds_err : array-like Returns ------- retval : object An object containing all the following attributes flo : array-like Lower boundaries of the new frequency bins fhi : array-like Upper boundaries of the new frequency bins pds : array-like The rebinned PDS epds : array-like The uncertainties on the rebinned PDS points (be careful. Check with simulations if it works in your case) nbins : array-like, optional The new number of bins averaged in each PDS point. Other Parameters ---------------- npds : int The number of PDSs averaged to obtain the input PDS Notes ----- Some parts of the code are copied from an algorithm in """ from numpy import log10 df = np.diff(freq) assert np.max(df) - np.min(df) < 1e-5 * np.max(df), \ 'This only works for not previously rebinned spectra' df = freq[1] - freq[0] npds = _assign_value_if_none(npds, 1.) pds_err = _assign_value_if_none(pds_err, np.zeros(len(pds))) if freq[0] < 1e-10: freq = freq[1:] pds = pds[1:] pds_err = pds_err[1:] if bin_factor <= 1: logging.warning("Bin factor must be > 1!!") f0 = freq - df / 2. f1 = freq + df / 2. retval = _empty() retval.flo = f0 retval.fhi = f1 retval.pds = pds retval.epds = pds_err retval.nbins = np.ones(len(pds)) * npds return retval # Input frequencies are referred to the center of the bin. But from now on # I'll be interested in the start and stop of each frequency bin. freq = freq - df / 2 fmin = min(freq) fmax = max(freq) + df logstep = log10(bin_factor) # maximum number of bins nmax = - log10(fmin)) / logstep + 0.5) # Low frequency grid flo = fmin * 10 ** (np.arange(nmax) * logstep) flo = np.append(flo, [fmax]) # Now the clever part: building a histogram of frequencies pds_dtype = pds.dtype pdse_dtype = pds_err.dtype bins = np.digitize(freq.astype(np.double), flo.astype(np.double)) newpds = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=pds_dtype) - 1 newpds_err = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=pdse_dtype) newfreqlo = np.zeros(nmax) new_nbins = np.zeros(nmax, dtype=np.long) for i in range(nmax): good = bins == i ngood = np.count_nonzero(good) new_nbins[i] = ngood if ngood == 0: continue newpds[i] = np.sum(pds[good]) / ngood newfreqlo[i] = np.min(freq[good]) newpds_err[i] = np.sqrt(np.sum(pds_err[good] ** 2)) / ngood good = new_nbins > 0 new_nbins = new_nbins[good] * npds newfreqlo = newfreqlo[good] newpds = newpds[good] newpds_err = newpds_err[good] newfreqhi = newfreqlo[1:] newfreqhi = np.append(newfreqhi, [fmax]) retval = [newfreqlo, newfreqhi, newpds, newpds_err, new_nbins] retval = _empty() retval.flo = newfreqlo retval.fhi = newfreqhi retval.pds = newpds retval.epds = newpds_err retval.nbins = new_nbins return retval
[docs]def rebin_file(filename, rebin): """Rebin the contents of a file, be it a light curve or a spectrum.""" ftype, contents = get_file_type(filename) do_dyn = False if 'dyn{0}'.format(ftype) in contents.keys(): do_dyn = True if ftype == 'lc': x = contents['time'] y = contents['lc'] ye = np.sqrt(y)'Applying a constant rebinning') x, y, ye = \ const_rebin(x, y, rebin, ye, normalize=False) contents['time'] = x contents['lc'] = y if 'rebin' in list(contents.keys()): contents['rebin'] *= rebin else: contents['rebin'] = rebin elif ftype in ['pds', 'cpds']: x = contents['freq'] y = contents[ftype] ye = contents['e' + ftype] # if rebin is integer, use constant rebinning. Otherwise, geometrical if rebin == float(int(rebin)):'Applying a constant rebinning') if do_dyn: old_dynspec = contents['dyn{0}'.format(ftype)] old_edynspec = contents['edyn{0}'.format(ftype)] dynspec = [] edynspec = [] for i_s, spec in enumerate(old_dynspec): _, sp, spe = \ const_rebin(x, spec, rebin, old_edynspec[i_s], normalize=True) dynspec.append(sp) edynspec.append(spe) contents['dyn{0}'.format(ftype)] = np.array(dynspec) contents['edyn{0}'.format(ftype)] = np.array(edynspec) x, y, ye = \ const_rebin(x, y, rebin, ye, normalize=True) contents['freq'] = x contents[ftype] = y contents['e' + ftype] = ye contents['rebin'] *= rebin else:'Applying a geometrical rebinning') if do_dyn: old_dynspec = contents['dyn{0}'.format(ftype)] old_edynspec = contents['edyn{0}'.format(ftype)] dynspec = [] edynspec = [] for i_s, spec in enumerate(old_dynspec): retval = geom_bin(x, spec, rebin, old_edynspec[i_s]) dynspec.append(retval.pds) edynspec.append(retval.epds) contents['dyn{0}'.format(ftype)] = np.array(dynspec) contents['edyn{0}'.format(ftype)] = np.array(edynspec) retval = geom_bin(x, y, rebin, ye) del contents['freq'] contents['flo'] = retval.flo contents['fhi'] = retval.fhi contents[ftype] = retval.pds contents['e' + ftype] = retval.epds contents['nbins'] = retval.nbins contents['rebin'] *= retval.nbins else: raise Exception('Format was not recognized:', ftype) outfile = filename.replace(get_file_extension(filename), '_rebin%g' % rebin + MP_FILE_EXTENSION)'Saving %s to %s' % (ftype, outfile)) save_data(contents, outfile, ftype)
[docs]def main(args=None): """Main function called by the `MPrebin` command line script.""" import argparse description = 'Rebin light curves and frequency spectra. ' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("files", help="List of light curve files", nargs='+') parser.add_argument("-r", "--rebin", type=float, default=1, help="Rebinning to apply. Only if the quantity to" + " rebin is a (C)PDS, it is possible to specify a" + " non-integer rebin factor, in which case it is" + " interpreted as a geometrical binning factor") parser.add_argument("--loglevel", help=("use given logging level (one between INFO, " "WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL, DEBUG; " "default:WARNING)"), default='WARNING', type=str) parser.add_argument("--debug", help="use DEBUG logging level", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args(args) files = args.files if args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), None) logging.basicConfig(filename='MPrebin.log', level=numeric_level, filemode='w') rebin = args.rebin for f in files: rebin_file(f, rebin)